Chapter 3 (more then best friends)

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Hey guys! Like I said I'm keeping up with posting one every day. I've never kept going on s book but he means a lot to me so that's why I'm going on with this book. So hope you enjoy this chapter. [STEAM WARNING] IF U DON'T LIKE STEAMY THINGS THEN JUST MOVE ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER BUT YOU MIGHT MISS THING SO YOUR CHOICE BUT Enjoy!

*Adyms P.O.V*

We where in the dressing room I started taking her shirt off. She had a lacy bra on it looked beautiful on her. Then I started taking her shirt off she had white thongs on like I said before beautiful. She looked so beautiful with her brown curly hair laying on her face perfectly. She asked me if this is what I wanted I said yes if it's okay with you. She said yes so I brought her to my house hoping my brother wasn't there and he was.

Sawyer came out as I was bring her to my room while kissing her on the way. He asked "who's that." I told him my girl friend. I saw felt her smile on my neck she was obviously okay with what I said. He said "Yeah but how do you know her you where out for 5 hours and you come home with someone." I laugh as I walk down the hallway with her. He just walked back into his room and Shut the door kinda hard but I didn't care.

We where still kissing I started taking her shirt off again and her shorts. She started taking my shirt off and started unbuckling my jeans as we kissed. She got my jeans off we were left in our undergarments while kissing. U started taking off my boxers as she takes of her thongs. I take of her bra while we were kissing our lips never left each others.

I started taking out a condom and slid it on and we started having it. She started moaning loudly as I did lowly. Sawyer had headphones in and he came walking in thinking Maddy left but she didn't obviously. The sheets were on the ground the comforter was right next to us. She was on top as she heard him come in she grabbed the comforter put it on us Sawyer looked at us and looked scared like he was gonna shit himself we started laughing. He said "sorry I thought she left already." And started clearing his throte and walking out of my room.

We looked into each others eyes and started laughing. I told her how beautiful she is and she got up put a sheet on her and ran to the bathroom. I heard her crying and I asked if I could come in. She said yes so I walked in and I went up to her and asked her what's wrong she said "Your adym and I'm some girl you just met how do you like me." She started crying again I went up to her closer hugged her and said "you are beautiful and I wouldn't lie to you." She said "How am I beautiful I'm ugly and fat." She started crying again and I told her "who told you that." She said everyone at my school. I told her "there all lying I mean it." She looked at me and we started kissing again.

She pulled away and said "your beautiful to you know that." I told her thanks and she got up went back to my room grabbed her purse went back to the bathroom I just stayed in the bathroom shot she got her purse. She went back to my room got her clothes on brought me my clothes I told her thanks. She just looked at me and winked. She grabbed a case out of her purse and grabbed a package out of her case. I obviously knew it was makeup remover. She wiped her smeared mascara and her other makeup that was on her face. She looked so beautiful without makeup and I told her that she just smiled and started putting concealer on. I obviously had to ask her what it was. She got all of her makeup on and then put on her mascara and eye liner. It was an hour of her doing her makeup and I just sat there watching her and then she asked me if she could do mine I said yes.

She started with concealer and I laughed as she up it on. Than she put foundation on and more stuff. It was another hour and when she was done I left it on and walked out to the kitchen with her and Sawyer walked out he started laughing. Then Maddy said "don't laugh your just jealous he's better looking." She looked at me and winked and I winked back at her. He started walking up to her and laughed and said "I am better looking than him." She shoved him gently and walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek u turned my head and kissed her back.


This chapter was pretty long but I enjoyed making it. I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow but hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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Adym Alyxander YorbaWhere stories live. Discover now