Adyms a 20 year old guy and he has a YouTube channel, profile, twitter, snapchat, Instagram etc. But there's this one fan that he is interested in. He is also a singer and just let me tell u he is amazing.......... hope you enjoy this fan...
This chapter is going to be my favorite. And I hope you all enjoy this. I am trying to keep to my word and make a chapter everyday. If I miss aday imsorryI'm still in school and lots of homework. This book means a lot to me because adym means a lot to me. So I should stop talking and get into this chapter.
*Maddys P.O.V*
I finally ran into adym and it was amazing. I could tell he was into me justlike I was into him. I was so excited that Imet him and he gave me his number and my sister (Shes obviously a brat) so she thought it was a good idea when I was giving adym a hug she said in front of him and I. "Why are you hugging a freak." My sister said. We both looked at her and started laughing. "I know he's a freak that's why I like him." I told her while she looked at me with a confused look.
I spent an hour with adym at [in and out] just talking about lots of stuff. While we were at [in and out] my mom and my sister were at a store. My mom kept messaging me and asking "how's it going." and I told her to stop messaging me because adym was getting confused. So I turned my phone off and adym and I kept talking.
I took a few pictures with him out them onmy snapchat story and 2 of my friends told me to tell him hi and instead I just called them one at a time on Snapchat and they freakedout when adym answered and not me. He started laughing as they screams and they kept asking me for his number I told them Iwouldn't give it out so they got really mad at me. "They'll get over it." Adym tells me as he shoves 3 fries in his mouth.
I was just sitting there as we ate. We've been there for 2 hours sitting, eating and talking. I finally turned my phone back on and I had 5 miss calls from my mom 3 text messages and 2 Voice mails. The text messages said "Answer the call Ihave a question." "Answer now." "Your making me mad." I called her back and said "Yes you called." I said. She started saying "YesIcalled to ask if I wanted this outfit but I left so I'll just stop at [in and out] and give you money.
5 minutes later my moms outside [in and out] and I go out and got the money she gave me $300 and I told her "I couldn'ttake the much." She told me that she spent that much on my sister and she got extra money from work because she worked extra for all of us to spend. I told her thanks went back inside to adym and he finished eating and I had like over half of my meal left Iwasn't hungry anymore so Ihave the wrest to him of course he ate it. Hes so cute when he ate.
We left [in and out] and went to a store and I tried clothes on for adym and every timeI came out to show him the clothes he whistled and id blush go back into the changing room and go back outside to adym and show him the next outfit. I went back in and went back out and while I was walking out of the changing room with a pink crop top, Jean shorts and a over all.
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As I walked out adym came up to me with a huge smile on his face he was inches in front of me he wrapped his arms around my waist I wrapped my arms around his neck and then we kissed we both went into the changing room and started making out......
I hope you guys like this chapter it's kinda steamy but not that bad but it's my favorite chapter so far and the next ones will set better I promise. But the next chapter will be either later today or tomorrow because I might not be able to get it done tomorrow so I might just do it today so TO BE CONTINUED.......