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Edmund didn't have to take too much things, he just took one little old box Billy used to keep his dirty shirts every weekend, and he knew he couldn't take all the expensive and fancy clothes he has over there, doing that will attract attention and that's one thing Edmund should avoid, picking the paper in the box Billy gave to him last night, in the paper he had dropped a name written poorly, "Alonso da Cussavan", a ticket and a 100 dollar bill, dropping the paper back into the box, Edmund zipped his little old box.

Taking a deep sigh, he knew this might be the last comfort he'll ever have, and for once he knew he'll miss Billy's nagging and his bar.

"The bus has arrived Ed, you better get your farm ass down here", Edmund thought to himself 'farm ass' yeah the old man can call him that, he had every right too, "Ed!" Billy called in a more loud and husky voice, without replying Edmund took his box, and went outside, just as Billy was about to scream Edmund's name again he saw Edmund appearing coldly, "you've lost your money have you lost your manners too boy" Billy remarked angrily. "Won't give me a hug boy" billy said in a testing manner, Edmund knew billy didn't care for it, the old man was probably looking for something to attack him with once again.

Taking one last glance at his uncle Edmund dropped a face bow to him, his uncle ignore it and strode to his wooden house.

In less that two hours he'll be at the airport and will get on his 12pm flight, Edmund knew that there was no going back, watching through the side window, he noticed a banner, the banner lOoked old and drained of its colors, but Edmund could still see "Great wings" standing out clearly, he felt a lump growing on his throat, he turned his gaze away from the window, then he noticed a man staring at him, the man looked like he was in his 40's he had this pale brown eyes and a scar crossing his cheeks, trying to cover his face more, it was too late, the man had noticed him, the man tapped the man sitting next to him, this one looked like the first one in statue, just that he had a clean face and dark eyes. Edmund saw him whispering something in the mAn's ear, but loud enough for the entire bus passengers to here, feeling uncomfortable, Edmund felt the heat rising in him, and the whole bus was fuLl with people whispering, now an old woman, in her 60's took a photo of him, she then gave a mild smile, he didn't know if he should smile back, or get angry and snatch the phone from the woman, but one thing was sure he didn't want to create a scene here. He was more glad now, going to Puerto Rico wasn't a bad idea, he was sure his identity there will be well hidden.

The bus stopped at the airport, the whispering didn't stop, trying to leave the bus, some of the passengers started approaching him to get a better look, some where mocking him, while few kept this pathetic look on their faces, damn he didn't want to look pathetic, the last this he wanted was to be a subject of pity, he was now sure he wanted to go to puerto rico.

But this was the sum of all fears he will have to face since he ran to exile, there were reporters in the airport, and if any noticed him as Edmund Philips of Wings Enterprise, even puerto rico won't be safe for him.

Walking to the counter for his check-in, the airline agent doing the checking had this italian look, had the hater's face, looking like an X-boxer, he gave his ticket, the man looking at the name, raised his eyes once more at Edmund, Edmund felt a chill running in him the tension was high, mind set to receive the worst, but the man gave him back his ticket with a wicked look.

Edmund felt relieved walking to the to the plane, this Had sold 3 aircraft to this airport, but now those are just memories. He felt free at last.

The plane attendant ushered him to his seat, "hope you are comfortable with it" she asked with a polite tune, without turning to look at her he said "I'm ok"

The plane took off, lucky for him he sat on the window side, keeping his face there to avoid someone detecting him, he thought of all what he had hoped to accomplish with Great Wings Enterprise, how he wanted to have obtain contract from the US Government to manufacture Jet fighters, just then he blamed himself for where he is now, Billy was right, he'd have join one of the big manufacturing company, he had received several calls from the likes of Ford, offering good positions and salary too, but he was damn to proud to accept it, now he's coming out of exile, to start a his life as what, a farmer, a fisher man. Interrupted from his thoughts he felt a warm hand tapping his laps, turning carefully and keeping his eyes low, a strawberry hair man, looking rough gave him a hand, he shared his hand with the man, who was looking weirdly at him, "going to puerto rico as a?" The man asked, Edmund observing the man, he must be all this social people, who loves bringing fun and killing the dullness of the atmosphere, but he can't ignore the man, "em.." Cutting Edmund from responding the man said "you are going there to start life", Edmund nodded slightly, "let me see you palm" the man requested, Edmund saw it awkward but he still have the man his hand, "Rinco", the man said, Edmund stared at him with the looks of confusion, was the man a side kick or what, he had heard of them, who can tell your future by just looking at you palm, Edmund sure didn't want anybody to see his future, he himself doesn't want to know it, snatching his palm away, "Rinco?" Edmund asked, the man frowned "rinco, yeah, boy your hands hasn't lift up a log of wood before, and Rico isn't a place for such hand" "I will turn it too" Edmund said jokingly, frowning more now the man replied, "before you even turn it to a working machine, you'll die of hunger Mr. Philips", 'philips' did he just called me philips, Edmund frowned, "don't woRry Edmund your secret is safe with me", Edmund relaxing on his chair more, he asked "and who do I owe the pleasure of that", "Perez" the strawberry hair man said, "you seem to have a clear picture of me perez have we met somewhere before" Edmund inquired sounding less interested, "you were my boss, I worked as an navigator expert in your company Edmund", perez replied also relaxing on his chair, "but it stills baffles me why you are going to puerto rico, you weren't a failure, every company in US will be looking for you, yet you are heading to puerto rico", Edmund thought the man sounded like his uncle, he didn't have to respond, he had nothing to say, and he wasn't planning on explaining anything to this stranger.

They were ordered to put on their seat belt the plane was landing in about a minute, few minute later the plane landed, edmund reaching for him little box he heard a familiar voice calling, "Mr. Philips, if you are too lonely find me 'Perez in Ciara's hotel'" Perez said rushing down.

Edmund taking his time to go down the plane he took one deep breath has he lOoked over Puerto Rico. The place he can only live in his dreams.

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