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The airport was filled to the brim, lots and lots of tourist, the airport stIll shows the sense of. Culture. Edmund stared at the crowd and at the airport, its not as if he hasn't seen such luxury before, he stared at it because its his big step to his new life and he has to confirm if he is really accepted by the atmosphere. "Señor", Edmund turn to see a red coloured man calling him, he most have forget that he is now in puerto rico, "señor" the man called at him again, Edmund scratching his head, he didn't know he was so poor in spanish, looking for the right word, he just winked at the man, "cavalier" Edmund manage to say that, "ayudar carry bag" the man said looking at Edmund with great intense, Edmund knew the man was expecting to see many luggages, but he's not here as a tourist he is here to fight with the soil of puerto rico, and many luggages can archive that. Without responding to the Edmund left.

He saw an old 6x6 truck heading his way, he can hup in and save spending the little money Billy gave to him, or he can save the shame of entering an old farm truck. Damn pride, he thought to himself, what does he has by the way, if its pride that brought him here, it was better for him to work in the States than coming here, stretching his hand to halt the truck driver, "you want a lift" the rough looking driver asked with a spanish ascent, "yes, do you mine" "join the bald boy" the man said opening the passenger door wider.

Edmund sat on the seat, tried his best to hide the moan from his mouth, the seat was made of metals, as hard as rock, he wonder if its the same as the drivers sit, "comfortable" the man asked, with this rocky seat, and the old western pop music hitting the radio so loud, and the horrible odor from the mans mouth and cloth, not to talk of the scent coming from the chicken feeds at the back of the truck and the hard bouncing of the car making his whole body ache, damn he wasn't comfortable, comfortable isn't an option here, but what can he do the man might throw him out from his truck, at least he has something, Edmund let out a decisive grinned "oh nothing will be better than this", the man grinned at him, "so lad what's the name", looking confuse edmund asked "what name" the man tapping Edmund on his shoulders, "your name lad" the man hand was as hard as his chairs and edmund shoulder could tell the story if you ask. Trying to cover the pains "Edmund" edmund said, "what are you doing at puerto rico" wothout waiting for Edmund to talk, "you know your way around", Edmund think of which of the two questions to answer, surely he wasn't in the mOod to tell this man to start life, finally he said "looking for someone" "what's the name", Edmund reaching for his box, pulled out the piece Uncle billy gave him, without waiting for Edmund to call the name, the man snatched it from him, with one of his hands, still looking at the road, Edmund grew upset, but he can't always be upset, he'll suffer from more of this, now he knows things here won't be easy, "are you a friend of Alonso da cussavan" the man ask making a glimpse at the paper "no, this will be the first time I'll be meeting him", edmund answerd, "you have bussines with Alonso", "not yet but hope too", the man looking more vastly than before, "not everybody will want to do business with Alonso", "why is that", "lad you'll find out once you start, my journey with you ends here, that building there is Alonso's," the man said stopping the car and pointing at a large hotel or bar like structure, "thank you sir" Edmund say, "now jet out boy" the man said harshly, Edmund didn't mind he pulled out, and watched the old truck vanish.

Walking closely to the yet unknown building witha big banner wriiting at the gate, Alonso. Coming closer he could hear the chanting of men and giggling of women, surely this was worst than that of Billy's own, opening the wood door, he saw a vast sets of table and men served with it, with strippers attracting costumers, one of the lady came close to him but he showed her he wasn't interested, "no madam, but you can help me" taking her finger tip to her lips seductively she asked "in what way señor" "where is Alonso" Edmund asked, the blonde stripper now looking at him seriously, took him by the wrist and drag him, surely she wouldn't have been able to if he didn't let her, she dragged him to a more quiet room, the room seemed foggy, "where is this...." Edmund was cut in by a husky bold bare voice "what is this sandra I told you not to bring someone here today, take him to another room" the blonde looking offended, he is not here with me, he came to see you, "what lad will want to see me, does he has the leg of a horse or the claws of the lion or the teeth of the crocodile of the strength of a bear" the voice said ironically, Edmund choking, the half naked blonde left the room, "the voice said boldly again, "come closer boy" Edmund coming closer, he surely couldn't see the man well, but his voice was that of all those dirty politicians he heard talk on tv, "what business do you have with Alonso" the man said, "Billy gave me your name he said you can help me" "yeah Billy! He never changes, always asking for favours, go to my house for now, and I'll meat you there in the evening, for now I'm busy", "I don't know around here" edmund said, "if you can't find your way around I can't be of help", dismissing him that rudely showed that Alonso wasn't a bit a gentleman, but his voice was that of someone with power around here, and that's a good start for him.

Edmund searching for the blonde, he saw her on a mans laps, he went towards her, drag her by the elbow and drag her out, the man wanted to yell, but Edmund was far off, " freeing herself from him "what is wrong with you, that's a big customer sir", edmund with a sexy grin "sorry" he continued, "I want you to take me to Alonso's house", the girl looking at her nakedness, I can't go like this Mr. I'll be back in a minute" she said dashing away. Edmund sat down mind starting to go wide.

"Wake up" Edmund woke up from the continuous tapping from the blonde, he had a hard day, from the bus at texas and the old truck here in puero rico, without answering her he followed her outside, "do you have transport" she asked, "no" edmund said sharply, sighing she pushed him off, heading for an old bike, which Edmund couldn't tell how many century old, she started it "don't you wanna go or what", "on that" edmund asked, he had never been on a bike before, "yes, or are you tOo scared that I'll hurt your groin" she said giggling. Edmund sat behind her and she ride.

She was talking her time to flirt with him on the bike, shaking her hips around him to make continuous contact with his body while still ridding, and resting her back on his chest, typical slot Edmund thought. "I see you're not a lady's man" the blonde said, "what is your name" she asked, "Edmund", "so mr edmund, what business do you have with Alonso" edmund didn't care to respond, "you don't want to say" she inquired shaking her hips again, "do you enjoy flirting all day" Edmund ask, "yeah as long as It will make you come back tomorrow to cash me on my bed" "you'll do it forever cause it won't walk" Edmund said laughing, "if its money I'll let you for free, for the first time, you look nice" edmund felt embarrassed, he frowned and let her notice it in his voice, "that won't still make me".

They stopped at a large two story building, its Alonso's, the blonde came closer to him,

tipping as if she wants to kiss him, the door flicked open, interrupting her, a young lady like in her 22, with deep pure black hair,green eyes tall, beautiful oval face, looked down on them disapprovingly, Edmund have her a grin, the blonde tapped him on his chest, if you want to find me, look for Sandra, climbing her bike and dash to the air.

"And you are?" The black hair lady asked from the door, "Edmund" Alonso told me to come to his place, "oh papa send you, she asked, "yes, you are Alonso's daughter" "being only child to the devil isn't something boastful about" she said looking sad, "oh pardon my manners sir", she said gaving him an expression to come in, edmund dust his clothes to remove the dust from the naughty dirt ride.

He went inside, she ushered him to a couch, "you're going to wait for papa for hours you know?", "no I don't," "where are you from she ask", "from the state he said", "here for business......." Edmund didn't reply, taking a closer look at him, he noticed he had slept off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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