You're Nothing But a Burden

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They were trapped like a scared dog in a corner. Shells pressed firmly to the wall with their weapons drawn. Leo was in front of his brothers like any good leader would. It was Mikeys stupid idea that got them into this mess in the first place.

"Stand your ground!" Leo had yelled to his brothers as the foot bots began closing in around them. Mikey gulped softly as he tightened his grip on his nunchucks. Raph snarled darkly as he tightened his fists around his sais. He was ready for a fight. Donnie looked determined. Like he was dead set on making sure his brothers would be alright. Mikey felt like a coward, he was afraid that someone would get hurt and to make it worse he was the reason they were in this mess. The bots made the first move and attacked Leo, the leader. It happened in slow motion, Leo was stabbed. This was the fight started. Raph lunged forward  and took out as many as he could while Donnie rushed to Leos aid quietly. Mikey would have been lying if he said he wasn't afraid because he was terrified. Soon his snapped out of his trance and moved forward as he tried to shield Donnie from any attacking foot bots. With ease he let his mind clear and fought them off as if his big brother wasn't behind him bleeding out.

"And you're not even listening to me are you, egghead!" Raph pulled Mikey out of his thoughts. They were back in the liar as Mikey sat on the couch quietly. Donnie had Leo in the lab as he fixed him up.

"You can't do anything right can you, Mikey?!" Raph yelled at the younger turtle. He knew he was being harsh but that was the only way to get through to Mikey.

"I know I'm the burden, Raph! I get it! I really do!" Tears were threating to fall. "But you need to stop treating me like a bad guy all the time! I tried to help! I tried to be useful! I tried!" By now the smaller turtle was crying. He shoved his way past Raph and ran to his room where his shut and locked his door. He threw himself down onto his bed and cried softly. He was tired of his brothers treating him like the burden of the group. He already knew he was. He wasn't a strong as them, as fast as them, as smart as them or even as quiet as them. He was the useless one that they used as a distraction. Mikey soon cried himself to sleep.

'How could you Mikey?'

'We trusted you.'

'You really are just a burden.'

'You could have gotten someone killed!'

'We're dead because of your stupidity.'

Mikey shot up in his bed panting softly. He looked around and realized it was all just a dream. He wiped his tired eyes, which were puffy from crying and got up from his bed. He grabbed a piece of paper and a bag from off the floor. He packed some things into the bag and set it down on the bed. The then looked at the note book paper he had sat down onto his desk and grabbed a pencil. He was going to write a note.

I'm just a burden. You'd all be so much better without me. I almost got Leo killed today and maybe next time I will get someone killed. Don't come looking for me, I don't want to be found. This is for you own good. You're my brothers, therefore I have to leave to protect you.
-MC Mikey'

Mikey laughed softly through his tears at his own stupid joke. He grabbed the over the shoulder bag, his skateboard and the note and quietly left his room. No one was in the main area meaning that everyone was asleep. He quietly went to Donnie's lab, set the note his T-Phone and his mask down on his desk and left without looking back. As soon as he was topside he climbed to the rooftops and stood over the edge. He was trying to think of a place he could go that his brothers wouldn't go looking. Aprils is out of the question and So is Casey's. He could leave New York altogether but where could he go. He spent his whole life in the swears of New York City.

Mikey looked back down to the man hole cover he just came out of and sighed deeply, "It's better way..." He said softly as he began to head to the next roof over. He needed to be out of the area before the sun came up or his brothers would find him, plus he needed to stay out of sight so that the Foot Bots, or The Purple Dragons wouldn't find him.

"I'm sorry Donnie..." He whispered softly. "But it's better this way..."

(So there's chapter one. Remember that Angelswings01 is writing there side in Donnie's POV so if some things dont quite match up its because its in the others point of view and that not everyone sees things the same way. Anyways enjoy)

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