Chapter 11

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"Bree." Someone whispered quietly. "Bree, you need to wake up and get off me so I can make breakfast."


"Get off me, I gotta make breakfast!" Someone whined a little louder than before. I opened my eyes and saw arms around my waist. I turned my head and saw Kyle's smiling face looking down at me.

"Well this is almost a deja vu, except last time, you were yelling at Rage when I woke up." I said as I got off Kyle and stood up.

"Yeah, thank-you it's not a total deja vu, because I do not have the energy to yell at him right now." He said as he yawned and stretched before he got off the couch. I stretched out and layed back down on the couch.



"Why do you always say 'night princess' whenever I sleep near you?" I looked down at the floor.

"Do you want to know the real answer?" He asked. I could hear him pulling put dishes.

"Well, I guess I do." I answered quietly.

I heart him take a deep breathe. "It's because I like you, alot, and I thought you were asleep. So... yeah." I looked up from the floor to see Kyle staring at me from the kitchen. There was a small smile on his face.

I slowly got up from the couch and made my way over to Kyle. I walked right up to him, there might have been an inch between the two of us.

"You actually like me? No lie?" I asked quietly, looking up slightly to see right into his eyes.

"I actually like you Madison." He said looking back into my eyes. I felt my heart give a little flutter. He used my real name. Nobody used my real name.

"Can I... Can I try something?" I asked, feeling myself blush a little.

"Go for it." He whispered. I put my hands on his shoulders and stood on my tippy toes. I closed my eyes and placed my lips on his softly. I felt something. It was more than I ever felt with Rage.

I felt Kyle's arms go around my waist, and the kiss deepend. It was a weird sensation. I never thought I'd ever be kissing my best friend, yet here I was, making out with him in a kitchen.

Who would have guessed it.

Kyle’s lips left mine, but he placed his forehead against mine. “Where does this leave us?” He whispered.

“I know where I want it to leave us.” I whispered back, lightly placing my lips on his just for a fraction of a second.

Kyle took a deep breath and took a slight step back from me, and looked me right in the eye. “Will you be my girl?” The twinkle in his eye made me smile.

“Of course.” I replied with a smile. Kyle wrapped his arms around me and gave me a huge bear hug. “Kyle, can’t breathe!” I choked out. He grip loosened but he didn’t completely let go.

“You said yes!” He smiled down at me.

“Did you think I was going to say no?” I asked smiling up at him. He didn’t reply, he just smiled. I guess he was happy.

“If you had sex life

would you even worry about mine?

When your bed is empty

You’re a waste of time!”

My phone rang making us both jump. I growled and backed up out of Kyle’s grip and towards my ringing phone.

“If you had a- “

“Hello?” I asked not bothering to look at the caller ID.

“Hey, how’s the sleepover with Kyle?” Lex asked sounding happy.

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