Stay The Night

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Mikes POV----

Tré and I rushed home when Sammi called and told us what happened. When we walked in the house was cleaned up but a few things were missing like an old picture I assumed was knocked off the wall. Sammi sat on the couch with Billie's head in her lap and she fiddled with his hair. She stopped when we walked in and looked a little embarrassed but Tré and I just smiled. "Hey you guys ok?" I asked and Sammi solemnly nodded yes. "What happened?" Asked Tré and Sammi walked us through what she had seen and done. When she was finished I let out a sigh and said "I'll head to the store and grab some new locks and get four new keys made up so you don't constantly need one of us to get in although, given the circumstances, I think it might be best to stick together." "Mike you don't have-" "Yeah and I'll grab some more ice for Beej and a few movies to watch so we can all just chill for the rest of the night" Tré said cutting her off. "Guys that's really sweet and all but-" "I can grab food on the way home too" I said this time. Neither of us wanted her to feel bad for something that wasn't her fault. "McDonalds?" said Tré before Sammi could even get a word in. She smiled a bit and, understanding out message, said "McDonalds sounds good." "I already know what Beej wants, a-" This one Sammi cut me off and said "Big Mac with a small fry and large sprite please." Tré and I stared at her for a moment and she said "what just cuz I'm a girl I can't eat?" Suddenly, me and Tré started cracking up and between laughs I said "no but that's always what Billie gets" and Tré added "you two really are meant to be huh?" Then I turned around and headed for the door when Sammi said "hey guys." I stopped for a moment and turned around for her to continue. "Thanks. For everything. I haven't really had a family or a place to stay for like 3 years now and the only reason I ever stayed with Darren was because he could provide a bed and food and I know that sounds pathetic but it's true" she hesitated before going on. "You guys coulda very easily told Billie he couldn't bring me home with you last night but you didn't, you accepted me with open arms and I just....Thank you." Tré and I both nodded and walked over to where she was on the couch giving her a hug. "You're always welcome here" Tré said and I added "hell it's kinda nice to have a woman in the house anyways, it keeps Tré and Billie in line." And with that I was out the door and off to McDonalds.

Tré's POV----

Me, Mike, and Sammi had eaten and were watching a movie I grabbed from the basement. We had tons down there considering Billie was such a movie buff and, to our surprise, Sammi seemed to be too. We were about halfway through Star Wars Episode Six when Billie began to move a bit. Mike paused the Tv and said "ice cream anyone?" Sammi and I both nodded and he went to kitchen to get us all some and then Billie opened his eyes. He looked right at Sammi and I guess he didn't notice me at first cuz he stretched his arms and said "hey beautiful." Sammi giggled a little and indicated that I was sitting right there and Billie turned around. "Oh, hey bro" he said and I said "oh don't let me interrupt this love fest." "Tré" Sammi said pursing me to stop teasing Billie and then she asked "how ya feeling?" Billie moved around a bit and sat up and said "better but it still hurts." "I put some ice on you dick earlier so it wouldn't be sore tonight" I said teasing and he threw a pillow at me. Mike walked back in with the ice cream and brought a bowl with two spoons to Sammi, "thought you two might wanna share" he said. "No way I'm not sharing my ice cream!" Sammi exclaimed like it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. The four of us laughed and she scooted over to Billie where they sat and shared as we watched the rest of the Star Wars trilogy and took turns quoting the characters. I took Vadar, Mike took Luke, Billie took Han Solo and, despite her best efforts to be Chewy, Sammi took the Princess. The whole night we watched movies and talked and joked and just generally got to know each other better and close to 4AM we all fell asleep and dreamt of better things.

Sammis POV----

I was dreaming of Darren being convicted of statutory rape and Billie proposing to me (weird I know) when I was woken up by the sound of my phone buzzing. I was so tired and I opened my eyes to see Tré and Mike passed out on the floor, the Star Wars movie still playing, and Billie's arm around my waist. I was content, until I realized I had to move to get the phone. I slowly lifted Billie's arm and sat up and grabbed the phone from the floor, "hello" I said groggily, wondering what time it was. "Sammi, what the hell are you doing it's 1 in the after noon and you sound like you just woke up!" Well, there was that answer. "Uncle Jarek" I said, "do you have to be so judgy all the time?" I could hear him sigh through the phone and he said "Just checking in on you and I wanted to update you." I sat up instantly because you don't say that unless there is an update and that meant Darren was in deep shit, or so I thought. "I presented the statements to the judge to charge Darren for rape but he said it was all circumstantial and you'd probably lose the case." My heart broke. "I'm sorry Sammi but the best I can do is assault which he can get out of on bail." "Ok" I said quietly, "thanks Uncle Jarek. I'll uh, I'll call you later." He started to say something but I hung up before I could hear him. Darren wasn't going to stop, I knew that much, and now there was nothing I could do about it. I felt so hopeless and empty and began to cry as I sat on the couch, what the hell was I gonna do now.

Billie's POV----

I woke up to a sound that was similar to....Crying? "Hey what's wrong?" I asked as I opened my eyes to see Sammi with her face in her hands. "They're gonna, they can't, Uncle Jarek, circumstantial" I could only make out a few words between her sobs and I put my arm around her to comfort her. "Calm down Sammi, I can't understand you" I told her and suddenly, she looked up. "I'm scared Billie and Darren's gonna keep coming back as long as he knows where I am!" She hesitated and looked at me, "I have to go" she said through tears and suddenly my grip tightened around her protectively. "No.' I said because I didn't wanna lose her just cuz of some other ass hole, that's just not fair. "What's going on?" Mike said as he rubbed his eyes and Tré shortly followed. "I'm leaving" said Sammi as she pulled away from my grip. "No, you're not" I told her as I grabbed her wrist. "Yes I am Billie! It's not fair for me to keep putting you guys through shit and I can hardly sleep knowing that Darren is still out there and so close! Not to mention he knows where I am!" She was yelling now and tears ran down her face like a waterfall. "Look" I began, "your Uncle's gonna take care of Darren and we told you we like having you around so as far as I'm concerned you're staying right here!" "Well it's not your concern!" she yelled as she stood up and pulled away. I stood up too as she screamed, "MY UNCLE'S NOT TAKING CARE OF IT! THERE'S NOTHING HE CAN DO AND DARREN CAN'T BE CHARGED!" Then she tore away from my grip and ran upstairs crying the whole time. I just stood there at first, not knowing what to do. How could he get away with raping a girl and assaulting someone? I didn't know what to do and was in shock when Mike said "you gotta go after her Beej." I was still pissed and laughed and said "ha! Why? All she's been is trouble, let her go we don't need her!" I said it loudly, hoping she would hear. Tré softly said "cuz dude, you love her dontcha? I mean Beej, you haven't been like this since Alex and Sammi's way better...You know that." "Yeah man" Mike added, "the girl's just scared yknow. What she really wants is for you to run after her and tell her it's gonna be ok yknow?" They were right, I had to convince her to stay because the thought of her being away was worse than anything else I could imagine.

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