9. Duality

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I'm in my own world as I fiddle with the books and items in my locker. It was my first day back since the altercation with Lester, and I wanted to avoid contact with my fellow peers. I still had at least 15 minutes before homeroom, and everyone was unusually nice and talkative to me; it irked my nerves, so I stood there fiddling with my locker and reflecting on my weekend until my real friends came to save me.

That Thursday after the altercation, I sat in that office for almost an hour after Leon had left before Saniya showed up looking flustered.

"Sasha, I'm so sorry I'm late. Rashad was sick again, and I had to drive slow in the storm—"

"You're fine." I glance over her shoulder in hopes of seeing another face.

"Are you okay?" She grabs my shoulders and peers in my eyes with genuine concern.

"I'm fine, Regi." I snatched away from her like she did me a couple of hours earlier. "Did Daddy come with you?" My dad should have gotten back in town that morning and I figured he would be home at least by early afternoon. She ignores my question and goes straight to the front desk getting all loud and extra with the receptionist until the principal comes out. The rest of the time in the office is a blur, and all I want to do is go home. Saniya makes a big fuss about me being suspended then she gets upset that I don't want to press charges against Lester.

"Whatever, it's fine, I handled it can we go now?" I snap in the midst of her fussing, and both she and Principal Jenkins look at me like I'm crazy.

"Miss Campbell are you sure? The school is going to expel Lester as this is his third offense and was clearly a sexually charged assault but you can press charges as well." Principal Jenkins presses.

"It was an in the moment thing. I just want to go home." I adjust my bookbag and exit the office. Saniya and I silently walk until we get into the car where she begins fuming again.

"Did you call Daddy? Did you tell him what happened?"

"Sasha he didn't pick up besides you know where he is." She murmurs. I turn to the passenger's side window and watch the rain that makes me even sadder. Saniya continues her rant as I let silent tears fall with hopes that my Dad is home when I get there instead of at the bar that he frequents.

"What is up, chica?" I am pulled from my thoughts once Zola approaches my locker wearing a wide grin. Despite the bad, my little circle was back in order. After school let out that Thursday, Zola and, Marrisa came to my door wielding bats.

"Do you want to fuck his ass up 'cause Zo knows where that nigga lives?" Is how I'm greeted by Marrisa.

"Biittchhh! You can't say nigga!" Zola nudges Marrisa before entering our apartment.

"Whateva, I got black in me somewhere down the line." She waves Zola's comment off. "Want to go get his bitch ass?" She turns back to me with a seriously crazy look in her eyes. "You know I don't play about my babies." She points the bat at me, Zola, and Rashad who's sleep on the couch. Before I get a chance to say anything, she pulls me into a hug and apologizes. "I'm sorry Sashay, you just get on my nerves sometimes and you know I got anger issues."

"The feeling is mutual Marshay." I grin at her, and like magic, everything in my world is 10x's better. I sit quietly, on the couch and stroke my little brother's head like he's a baby while Zola and Marrisa come up with an extensive plot to get back at Lester and they stayed with me that entire weekend until Sunday night when they had to be home.

"Zo, everyone is trying to be all friendly and I can't take it." I roll my eyes at one of the girls in our class that tries to wave at us.

"My friend just had a traumatic experience, don't mind her." She tells the girl that never spoke to either one of us before. "Be nice." She giggles towards me.

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