Strange Feelings

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Never felt feelings before
Until you came right to my door
Cared for me since the very start
We were never really split apart
We went through thick and thin
And us two would always win
You may not see it but I kind of do
I think I'm secretly falling for you
I know I shouldn't cause the truth
You are with someone else so what's the use
I wish I could tell you how I feel
But I have to remember love isnt real
Its just a "like" so why am I sad
Why can't I get over what's not even bad
We are more than best friends we are pals and partners
We care about each other and trust our bond
I want you happy and our friendship to stay
But my feelings won't keep away
I want you
you want her
All I can do is watch the curse
At least we aren't anything worse
I was friend zoned but different from others
This one started to take my colors
My heart pounds hard as I try to speak
We laughing and joke but I let out some squeak
We tell our problems when we feel strange
But mine are different and wish would change
I want to tell you what is wrong
But I can't so I have to be strong
If you knew what I felt you wouldn't be able to help
My pain is from feelings the feelings for you
The feelings that I hate but love thats true
When we first met I never seen it coming
But when it came I started running
Never thought I'd fall for you
Strangely this is something new
You changed my life more than anyone
You have that spark that lights my sun
I was I was able to continue to run
Now I'm laying on the ground
my heart could be heard than any sound
You like her
I like you
There is nothing that I could ever do
This is my end of the poem I made
I hope you dont read this and skip the book so this poem will fade..


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