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I SAT ON MY BED, reading over calculus homework. Funnily enough, maths was one of the subjects that I actually understood. Didn't mean that I liked it, but I knew what the teacher was talking about, and could answer most of the questions.

I noise in front if me cause me to look up. I nearly flew through the ceiling when I saw Jasper standing there, staring at me. Gasping, I put my hand on my chest. "Oh my god, you almost killed me"

He chuckled. "I just came to see you before we went out to go and play baseball" I looked at his attire. He looked very handsome in his 'baseball uniform' and little leggings.

"Cute leggings" I snorted and he shook his head slowly.

"I just wanted to let you know that I didn't intend on excluding you from our baseball match, I just felt that it would be safer for you at home" he paused. "Alice had a vision yesterday, you were hurt, by a vampire"

I nodded. "But the future can change right? I mean I can be careful"

He grasped my hand in his. "Nothing will happen to you, I just decided to take extra precautions and not invite you to the baseball game today"

I smiled at him. "Jasper, it's really alright, I'm perfectly happy doing homework"

"Tell that to the jealousy rolling off you in waves" I straightened myself up.

"Jasper, despite what my current emotions are saying, I'm fine with it. Please, go and have fun" the sky darkened behind him. "You sure you want to play baseball? Looks like a thunderstorm is coming"

"Perfect. The ball usually makes quite a bit of noise when a vampire hits it, not to mention the speed it will be flying at"

I gawked. "Okay, I can now see why you didn't want to to come. What about Bella? She will literally find something to injure herself on"

He checked his watch and stood up. "Edward has chosen to be responsible for Bella and ensure her safety, I promise she will go unharmed. However I must go now, should be starting soon"

I bid him farewell as he jumped out the window and gracefully landed onto the hard concrete below.

I went back to doing my homework, the rain and thunder in the background was peaceful. Dad yelled up around an hour later, informing me that the game was starting.

"Be down in two minutes!!" I packed up my stuff and pulled on my slippers, bouncing down the stairs.

"Grab me a beer from the fridge?" I pulled one out of its plastic sleeve and threw it to him.

The game was really good. Our team didn't win unfortunately but it got really heated at one point, which resulted me yelling some foul words at the ref, as if he could hear me.

Not long later, the front door slammed open, and Bella rushed inside. "Leave me alone!" I could see Edward through the glass. Charlie shot up.

"What is it? He hurt you?" Edward was gone now. She stormed up the stairs and paced from room to room, grabbing clothes and toiletries.

"I'm leaving" she announced and closed her door.

I walked up the stairs behind Charlie. Bella was leaving? After all we had done for her, she was leaving us. All of the changes we made, to suit her. I banged on the door. "Bella, what the hell?! Cmon, we can talk about this. Open up"

She rummaged about behind the door. Silence. Zipping of the suitcase, door opening. She didn't exactly look distraught. "I have to get out of here"

Storming back down the stairs, Charlie grasped her arm. "Bella, please. Sleep on it, see how you are in the morning"

"I need to go now, I'll stop in at a motel if I get tired I promise"

I pulled her into a tight hug. "Bells, please don't leave. Your one of the best things that's ever happened to me, to us. Don't ruin it over some boy"

She shoved my shoulders back. "I need to leave. I can't be stuck here any longer, cooped up in this house of football and tomboyish things" opening the back door and stepping outside, "I wish I had never came" and as my heart broke, the door slammed shut.

I whipped round to look at my father. "I'm sure she didn't mean it, right? She'll come around"

He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer. "Hopefully, I should probably give Renee a call"

I nodded. "Should I do anything?"

He shook his head. "Try and get some sleep, Bella is old enough to choose her own decisions and learn from her mistakes, everything will work itself out eventually"

I started walking up the stairs. "Goodnight dad"

Why would Bella just leave? I knew that Edward would not let anything happen to her, heck he would even follow her all the way to Florida to make sure she wasn't hurt. But why would she just run out? I stepped inside my room, instantly being met with a cold breeze. Swinging my door shut, I walked over and closed the window.

"Don't move" I froze. "Don't make a sound" An unfamiliar voice spoke softly in my ear and put a cold hand on my shoulder. "Good" he cooed. "Now, I'm going to need you to come with me"


𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮

Did someone say cliffhanger? Ooh how exciting. I sorta strayed from the movie in this chapter, do you like it? I think it's good so that you don't know exactly what's going to happen and your not really ready for plot twists etc.

Love to all x

FATAL ATTRACTION; J. HALE [1]Where stories live. Discover now