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I BLEW OUT A SHAKY BREATH as the blonde vampire turned me around to face him, inhaling deeply, his crimson red eyes dilated into black coal. "You know, I was going follow Bella, lure her away from the others, kill her" he placed a hand on my hair and pushed a strand away from my face. "But, I believe we've found a new pawn to add to the game"

Mustering up enough courage, I pushed his hand away. "If your going to kill me, just do it"

"Now, now, now" he taunted, "what would be the fun in that?" His head tilted towards the window, "jump, or I'll push you"

My heart raced. He was going to take me away from Forks. Use me as a player in his sick game. I wasn't going to go without a fight. "I'll break my legs" I crossed my arms over my chest, hoping that he would either kill me here and get it over with, or leave.

He walked over to the window, pulling up the panel and checking outside before swooping his head back in. "Not if I break them first" he was seeing if he could make me scared. Get a reaction out of me. "Or, should I just kill old man Charlie down there?"

Nobody touches my dad. "No, I'll go with you" I walked over to the window and slung my legs round. If this was the sacrifice I was going to have to make in order to save Charlie, it would be worth it in the end, even if I don't live to see it.

Falling to the floor didn't hurt, what hurt more was hurtling through the trees at an alarming speed, clinging onto his back for dear life. The thorns whipped off my face. I hoped and prayed to god that the cuts didn't bleed, I didn't want to send my captor over the edge.

Charlie will get over my death. Sure, it may take many years of healing, but he will soon get on with his life, find someone special to him, settle down, grow old and then we will meet again. I'll finally be able to tell him about Jasper, what he is, his abilities, how much of a sweetheart he's been to me. I'll be able to thank him, for all of these years that have gone unappreciated. For how much he's sacrificed for me, I want to let him know how much I love him.

I never even got to say goodbye to Jacob,  I apologised to him for staying away the whole summer. He'd understand, I'm sure of it. Hopefully Bella would tell him one day.

Bella. Within the small amount of time that we actually spent together, she has made it up in love and kindness. Her advice will help me get through this. Family comes first. I am doing this for her, so that she can have a fantastic and full life with Edward. He will change her, I know it. Yes, she will be mad that I have left her, she will blame herself for not being the one that was taken, wish that she had died instead. But, sacrificing my happiness for the ones that I love, in my opinion, is the truest type of love.

My mind drifted to Jasper. I smile spread across my face. His amber eyes speckled with golden flakes, his perfectly porcelain skin, his messy hair, how much of gentleman he acted. He was my perfect man, and he'll never know how I feel. Perhaps I'd better that way, saves me the humiliation of being rejected.

Was he looking for me? Did he even know I was gone? I hope that he's doing everything in his power to keep Bella and Charlie safe. He knows that I would want that. That's all I've ever wanted.

I was going to die. I had accepted that, I was ready to leave the world. Was there an afterlife? Could I be reincarnated? Is death painful? Unanswered questions that I will soon grace.

Before I could even gather my thoughts, I was thrown off his back and onto a hard wooden floor. Mirrors littered the room around me, preparing to capture my death. "Shall we give Bella a call?" The man pulled my phone from his pocket, taunting me with Bella's number.

She didn't have to be brought into this, she didn't have to be hurt. I sat in silence as he pressed call. "Unfortunately Scarlett is somewhat occupied" he stared at me as he spoke to whoever answered Bella's phone. "Don't hurt her?" He laughed. "My dear, I'm going to drain her dry and hang her body out where her little boyfriend will find it" I gulped, the blood draining from my face. He bent down to me, still speaking on the phone. "Sure, why not? It may be the last time-"

He grabbed the side of my head as I yelled out and pushed my head onto the phone. Heaven filled my ears. "Scarlett?"


James leant down towards me and whispered harshly. "Talk fast, sweetheart. I'm getting hungry"

"Scarlett, where are you?"

"Jasper, Jasper don't come. Keep Bella and Charlie safe, I-" James yanked the phone away from my ear and pressed the 'end call' button. He threw the phone on the ground and crushed it. "Well, wasn't that just great? Very emotional, might I add. Shame he will never be able to see you again"

I stood up, feeling the pepper spray in my pocket that my dad gave me when the attacks first started. My eyes clocked the door as I took it out and sprayed it in his face. He let out a low growl as I sprinted towards the door, my hand reaching the knob and twisting it but immediately being yanked back by my hair and thrown into one one the mirrors. Glass shattered all around me, nipping at my face and arms. "GET UP!!" He stalked over and kicked me hard in the ribs, I screeched and it felt like my torso was on fire. Picking me up, he threw my ragdoll body over to the far side of the room, speeding over and stamping on my kneecap, snapping it back on itself.

I refused to yell out. There was nobody to hear me. I was going to die alone, surrounded in a pool of blood. I just lay, crying. The pain was unbearable, fire radiating through my entire body, it would be over soon. My eyelids closed like curtains, the last thing I see is the vampire picking up my limp arm and sinking his sharp teeth in.


𝓪𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮


FATAL ATTRACTION; J. HALE [1]Where stories live. Discover now