5 - Kids AU (?)

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Request from Frozen_PoisonIvy :O
Any grammar mistakes are probably/definately on purpose.
Height/Age Canons:

~3rd Person~

Tom was seated inside of a sandbox, dressed in his mother's favourite bright blue overalls and a yellow tee. He was playing with Tomee bear, unfortunately getting sand all over the plush doll. If anyone was to know anything about Tom, It was to not touch his bear. Anyone to touch the "forbidden" item were to face the menacing punishment of Tom's seemingly endless tears. But that didn't stop Edwaaaaaaaaaardo (spanish guitar jingle).

"Hey kid, gimme your bear." Edwardo demanded, holding out one of his hands. "Um. No." Tom replied, squinting and pulling Tomee Bear closer to his chest. "Um. Yes." Edwardo pushed, shaking his extended hand. "I said n-" Tom was cut off as Edwardo kicked him in the gut (violent ass kindergartener). Edwardo took Tom's point of weakness to his advantage, and grabbed Tomee Bear out of his arms. "No! Tomee Bear!" Tom screeched, tears welling up in his black eyes as he attempted to retrieve his lost bear.

Heads turned as they heard Tom's wails of protest. Several people crowded around Tom and Edwardo to see what they were going to do, while others went back to playing.

Tord also happened to notice the commotion. He could see several people crowding around the area where the sandbox is. He got up to investigate. Being taller then most of the kids, it was easy for Tord to push past people, and see what was in the center of the circle. Tord saw a short boy, probably his age, who would be sobbing his eyes out if he had any. Tord then shifted his vision to a seemingly older kid who had on a dark green button-up and was holding a stuffed bear.

"Give it back!" Tom screeched, arms flailing, attempting to grab Tomee Bear. "What'cha gonna do? Tell the teacher? Like she scares me!" Edwardo taunted. Tord had had (yes 2 hads) enough of being a bystander. Normally, he wouldn't care about something like this, but something about this boy with no eyes set something off inside of him. He pushed past the few people in front of him, and punched Edwardo in the face. Edwardo hit the ground, scraping his elbow. Edwardo tried to play it cool, but Tord saw the redness in his eyes, signalling that he was holding back tears. He dropped the bear, and ran off.

Tord picked up the bear, and handed it to Tom, who was curled up with his knees to his chest, still sobbing loudly. "Hey," Tord said, shaking it in his face, "I'm Tord." Tom looked up from his knees, and into Tord's eyes, until he noticed that Tord was holding Tomee Bear. "YAY!" He screeched, taking the stuffed bear and hugging it tightly to his chest. "..thank you." Tom said, quietly. "No problem!" Tord replied, smiling widely, revealing a gap in his two front teeth.

By then, kids had started to clear from the crowd, going back to thier buisness, but Tord stayed put, sitting down on the edge of the sandbox. "..wanna be friends?" Tom asked awkwardly. "Yeah!" Tord agreed, putting his hand on Tom's shoulder. Tord could tell that this was going to be the beginning of something great.


K that was bad but I have zero ideas :D Might do a P2 if I feel like it, idk.

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