|Chapter four-Shading|

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Levi's POV

"You fucktard!!! Why didn't you eat wake me up!!?"

I woke up to the most latest time it was. Already have an hour past my working time. New in fact.
I had volunteered to work in a new environment for more work credits, whatever that means.

"I tried, a few times actually. But I couldn't help myself, you were sleeping so peacefully." I clenched my fists ready to hit him for being so immature on this.

"Who cares if I was!! For all I know I had some weird terrible dream!! I have to get to a new area for work, I was supposed to go half an hour ago, now I'm late!!!" I began to get dressed in the clothes I had left out in our room.

"Well sorry about that, I could ta-" I cut him off.

"No, I'm going myself! I don't need you coming with me on this, it's my job and I'm not going to let you interfere in this, get you're own paying job!!" I hurried up.

Putting my clothes on and packing my needed stuff as quickly as possible, I took my keys about to leave out the door.

"What, no goodbye kiss?"

"Oh fuck off will you!?"

With that I left slamming the door shut. Getting to my car and pulling out of the driveway on my way to my 'filling in' job. At least it's not permanent, like hell I would take a job like that.

The place wasn't bad looking, sparky looking, and clean. Looks like a high standard place too, what is this place?

I walked by into the halls looking around for where I'm supposed to be. Hopefully I'm not too late already.
I walked into the room as all eyes were on me as I settled down.

"Sorry I'm late, had a hold up with personal things. So here's how things will go, I'm filling in and I won't leave until whoever is in charge here gets back. From now on, you brats listen to my rules and how I want things; have a problem with me, tell me directly."

I looked out to the teens who where very quiet and confused, yet afraid.
That's when I realized I should tell them my name, I'm not a random stranger.

"You will call me Mr. L and nothing else, not by first name, not by my surname. I will teach your English class now."

They all nodded as I looked at the desk. Seeing a packet of papers, notes to tell my what to do. I quickly scimmed over them and took the book beside it.
Guess I'll have to teach how I was.

"Open your books to the last chapter you where at, continue reading and answer the questions on the next page, once you're done I'll hand you your next assignment."

They all nodded and began doing their work. Meanwhile all I could do was sit and just look through on the instructions I was made to do. Nothing seemed so difficult, I could easily do these, and more over, I knew the topic very well, it's my job of course. And now this is my job now, well thankfully temporarily.

As surprising as it is, I was completely bored. When your job takes over, you are busy and never get bored. But now this is a place of where you don't have work taking up all of your time.
Nothing much to do here, maybe I should just look around this classroom.

"...Hey brat, what are you doing? You should be doing your work..."

"Mr. L, he's the only one who finishes so quickly, he's already done."

How can a kid finish that quick? I only read this packet for like ten minutes!
Nevertheless I got up and walked over to him as I can tell everyone's eyes were on me. He looked back up as me as I looked over his work.

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