chapter six

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I was called down to an art gallery. something about missing art. "Are you David freeman, the private eye?" said a woman with my eyes wide as saucers I said "yes ma'am how can I help you?" "someone's been stealing my art but the police won't take the case because the art isn't worth enough" she said "if I may say so ma'am they are very nice." I said "Claire." she said "excuse me?" I said "that's my name. As opposed to ma'am" said Claire "nice to meet you. If you don't mind I would like to take a look around." I said in reply "by all means, detective" Claire said in a flirtatious tone I tried not to smile but I couldn't help myself. I went to look around but I kept getting distracted Claire was so pretty "detective?" said Claire "yes?" I replied "when your done would you like to get a drink?" she asked "sure I usually clock out at 6" I said. Later that day we were sitting in a bar she ordered a martini and I ordered a root beer "root beer huh? I figured you for the bourbon type" said Claire "I don't like the idea of being drunk" I replied "you have pretty eyes" said Claire "thanks I get that a lot" I said "that why you always wear sunglasses? To look tough?" asked Claire "never really thought it through that much" I said

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