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I've never really been a huge fan of other people.

I mean, what really is there to like? They're loud, annoying, selfish, it's pretty much the definition of being human to be a total dick bag.

Now, believe me. I'm not singling myself out either. I fit right in.

I tend to isolate myself. Build up large walls to keep people from getting too close, and wear a cold exterior to keep them away. It's just better that way, to avoid getting hurt all together.

I guess I haven't always been this way though. No, I used to actually be pretty happy. Happy with everything, I had nothing to hate. had no reason to despise anyone. Junior high was a blast for me, and the high school years so far have been nothing short of an adventure.

But then my father died. Cancer.

It hurt us all, my family, my friends, myself. Mom couldn't leave her bedroom, couldn't bear to. There was nothing outside of there that could convince her to move on, not even her own flesh and blood. So my brother left, he couldn't handle the pressure, of taking care of a cracked home. Humpty Dumpty situation, I guess.

Life was...gray...for me. I went to school, I did my chores, worked on my homework. But my eyes...my soul. Depleted. Lifeless.

I envied the egg that hurled himself off that wall.

My friends tried to help, tried to bring me back. But I was so far gone, so numb...

Eventually they just gave up, and left one by one.

Maybe two months or so into this whole ordeal, my mother finally arose from her bed. She was tired, tired of us living under a rock wallowing in our pity.

So we left. Went looking for something new.

LA was that something, and I could see it from where I sat in the old van. It was colorful, especially in summer sun. Flowery dresses, rainbows strung around for pride month, people of all kinds laughing and smiling.

I'd been in my shell for so long, I'd almost forgotten what society even was.

The house we took wasn't anything special, but it was however bright and cheery. Something Mom was always eying these days.

One story, white walls and emerald curtains. Flowers lined the walk way outside, and it was just overall beautiful. And the subtle scent of honey suckles was a nice touch.

I sighed as I climbed out of the moving truck, pulling my white too-tight-around-the-chest tee back over my jeans. Its okay, Mark. Just smile, for Mom.

A/N: New story, and no, this story actually isn't crazy depressing 

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