Chapter 13~"Woke Up on the Right Side of the Bed."

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Aurora's P.O.V.

I woke up to the cry of a trumpet. I sat up straight, and yesterday's memories washed into me. My mom visited! That hardly happens! I reached over to my phone on my bedside. Clicking play, I grinned as I realized this song was perfect for right now.

"Woke up on the right side of the bed" I was so happy I practically jumped off my bed and ran to the mirror, my smile faltered when I saw my reflection. So much for a good time... A giant pimple had sprung up on my forehead. I washed my face and tried not to, but rubbed rigorously at the flaw.

It didn't disappear. I sighed and went back into the bathroom to take a shower. I heard someone come in the room, just as I was washing my hair. Thank gods the bathroom door was closed.

The door to the room shut again, and I hoped the stranger had taken his leave. I finished up and wrapped my towel around my body, shivering slightly. Why was it so cold?

When I walked back into my room I saw a backpack that had the camps initials on it. CHB.

I opened the backpack and found it held a camp booklet, 4 camp t-shirts, a water bottle with nectar in it, a big ziplock bag filled with ambrosia, and a whole bunch of other things. I picked up a letter addressed to me and began reading.

Dear newest camper,
To insure your safety here at camp half blood, we have included a visit to the armory. Any magical weapon must be shown to Chiron, if you do not have a weapon, shield, or armor. Feel free to search for one. If your godly parent has not been addressed with a cabin, talk to Mr.D about building one. If you have any questions you may talk to an older camper, or if it is appropriate come speak with Chiron at the big house. Enjoy your stay at Camp Half-Blood! Try not to die.

Athena Cabin
Ok that was interesting... I remembered Conner telling me something about getting a care package the Athena cabin started after the Giant War. I quickly put everything back into my backpack.

I quickly changed into one of the camp t-shirts, it fit perfectly! Oh yeah, Athena is a good weaver. The cabin six campers must've made it.

I pulled on some jeans, and walked over to the dresser. I brushed my wet hair and put it up in a ponytail. I looked clearly at myself in the mirror. There was the big stupid pimple in the middle of my forehead. I wondered if Nectar would fix it... I ran to the care package and took out the water bottle. I squirted some on my forehead and prayed it would work. Running to the bathroom I squealed in delight.

It was gone! My stomach rumbled and I winced. I missed breakfast. Sighing I cleaned up the room as nicely as I could and walked out the door with my ring on and my hair up.

I walked to Chirons door and knocked. "Come in." Chirons calm voice came through the door. I opened the creaky door and he smiled at me warmly. "Yes, my dear?"

"I think I may have missed breakfast..." I started. He gestured me to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper.

"It's alright Miss. Faye, breakfast is still going if you are nice enough to the nymphs. But for now, I believe you are in need of a schedule. Your schedule might change later on, but be sure to reach your first class today. Oh, and I'm sure your friend Jake has missed you dearly in the twenty four hours you've been apart." His eyes twinkled wisely.

I smiled weakly. "Thanks Chiron." I walked out of the awkward atmosphere and unconsciously walked out the big house door. My schedule was pretty cool.

First I had Greek Mythology with Annabeth, then I had Sword fighting with Percy. I heard he was the best swordsman here. I had archery with the Apollo campers, and some chores too... But that was barely anything.

I walked up to the Hephaestus cabin and knocked at the door in a rhythm.

Knock, knock, knock, knock. "Do you wanna build a snowman?" I sang grinning ear from ear.

"Go away Anna!" Came Jakes laughing voice. He opened the door. I tackled him in a hug. "Woah! Miss me?" He asked stepping back. I playfully punched him playfully In the arm.

"Why would I miss you?" I said trying to keep a straight face. Suddenly Jake froze.

"Why in Hades is their snow here? What did you do Aurora?" He asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I stepped back and took a look around. "Holy shh...arks" I covered up real quick. Gods I'm so dumb! "How did I not notice this?" I grimaced. Jake just laughed uncomfortably.

"Wait? You didn't do this?" He questioned looking into my eyes. I averted my gaze.

"My mom may or may not have visited me yesterday." I confessed.

"What. Aurora you serious? That like never happens... But wait. She did this?" He said running a hand through his hair as if the answer might be in it.

"I think..." I must of looked pretty worried because he took my hand in his warm one. Although there was no romantic gesture, just a comforting one.

"Come on, let's go get some breakfast. I'm starving." He said seriously. I laughed, it just felt so good to be with him. Almost as if yesterday never happened. We were just getting breakfast before school. He cracked a sideways grin.

The wind picked up and I realized why I hadn't noticed the snow. The snow had melted in my path. It was just water now. I shivered in my thin jacket. My hand felt colder without Jakes hand in it. I took the lead because the snow made it harder for Jake to walk.

As we walked in silence, I realized Chiron hadn't said a word about this. Maybe my mom had visited him as well, although I doubted it.

"Soooo, did you get your schedule?" Jake asked excitedly. I handed the slip of paper to him and he noticed my ring. "Where did you get this?" He asked.

"Are you kidding?" I asked not even bothering to stop. He grabbed his head like it was going to fall off. "Didn't you..." I stopped, whatever my mom did to him he must've forgotten. "My mom gave it to me for my birthday." I said, it was half true I guess.

"Wait... Birthday. Birthday? Oh my gods I'm sorry I forgot Aurora. I swear I'll get you a present." He exclaimed nervously. I shook my head, at his obliviousness.
Authors note: hehe hehe hehe this is no laughing matter. Too manyyyyyy tests! I'm going to die! So here's this chapter, it's short buuuut I have a lot of homework. I might've messed up in here... But anyways guess the song for the title! It's pretty easy... Whoever guesses name and person who sung it first will get a dedication.

Also, who's Pov next? Aurora or Nico!

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