Chapter 5

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Under normal circumstances, Theo would've been stressed about war games, but with a quest looming over her she wasn't just stressed, she was on the brink of becoming the hulk. Today she had already reprimanded Tate and Vi for breaking curfew, broken up two fights between Romulus and some random Cohort Five campers, listened to Sage go on and on about the new Full House remake, and she had to basically pry Alec out of bed and bribe him with coffee to keep him awake. It was only nine a.m.

The daughter of Ceres was currently standing outside on the porch of her cohort, she sighed and raised her steaming hot cup of coffee (which, in her opinion, was the only way to drink it) to her lips causing her horned rimmed glasses to fog up. She paid no attention to her glasses and chugged the piping hot liquid, instantly feeling a burst of energy course through her veins.

"I don't know how you do it, Theodora. I would have permanent blisters in my mouth if I drank coffee the way you do." A masculine voice called from behind her.

Theo swivelled around to be met face to face, well more like chest to face in her case, with Remington Gonzales.

The ginger-haired girl's face lit up, she had an obvious attraction to Rem. She basically blurted out how cute she thought he was whenever she was with Vi and he happened to walk by. Her mind went blank when she looked into the boy's deep brown eyes, which was ridiculous and a little too cliché in her opinion

"It's Theo," was the first thing that came out of the daughter of Ceres' mouth, she made a mental note to curse Venus later.

"What?" Rem was obviously caught off guard.

"You said Theodora, everyone calls me Theo," she said confidently as she readjusted her glasses so they sat perfectly on her freckled nose.

"Oh, well, sorry." A flush of red came across the Hispanic boy's face.

A few moments passed and Theo was becoming impatient with the small talk this boy was clearly failing at instigating. Sure, he was cute and all but the guy was no wordsmith.

"So not to be rude but that's exactly what I'm about to be, is there something you wanted to talk to me about or...?" She stuck one hand on her hip and shifted her weight.

Rem nodded and cleared his throat.

"Yeah, actually I heard you were going on a quest, is that true or just another camp rumor?" He asked leaning against the outside wall of cohort two.

"Yeah, that rumour is true. Four other unfortunate legionnaires and I are going to be trekking all the way to Alaska by order of lord Mars."

Rem nodded and sported his trade mark grin.

"What an honour to be issued a quest by Mars himself," he sighed.

"What?" Theo frowned and tilted her head. "This quest isn't some sort of... blessing, it's a curse, a punishment Mars gave me for talking back. I'm being sent somewhere the gods don't even go to retrieve a palladium that hasn't been seen for thousands of years. Possibly leading a quest that will result in the premature ending of my life and the lives of my quest members." Theo leaned her head back to prevent the tears that stung her eyes from escaping her lids. She really hated crying especially in front of other people.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Gods, I just can't keep my feet out of my mouth around you." Rem reached out and put his hand on Theo's shoulder and after a few seconds he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back. Theo let her head fall into the crook of his neck before Rem dropped his arms back to his sides.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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