Plans, Weddings, Hiding

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["Ew. Get a room. Jesus... Too much PDA, don't you think?"]

I turned my head to look over at Alice and saw her standing right at the entrance of the living room staring at us with an annoyed face.

Jihoon and I were sitting on the sofa cuddling and talking. He would kiss my nose or forehead and show a lot of PDA whenever it was only us in the room. However, we failed to notice Alice walking in the room.

Jihoon let go of his tight hold on me and looked in the direction of Alice.

He looked at me with a confused face and nudged his head in her direction. Something he often does these days when he doesn't understand what Alice, Alex, or Vernon says.

"She said we're being annoying and shouldn't be loving in public because she's jealous and lonely."

Jihoon lightly smiled and a soft laugh escaped his lips.

Alice heard Jihoon laugh and pointed an accusing finger at me as a consecuence.

["Hey! You made fun of me didn't you?! You're taking advantage because I don't understand, right? Jessica I swear I'll kill you once I find out what you said!"]

She left the room quickly and went into the kitchen.

We heard the sounds of the refrigerator opening and closing, then the sound of the microwave.

Soon, Alice walked right out holding a corn dog and tried to look angry at me.

["What?! I'm hungry!"]

I tried holding in my smile, almost failing, until she left the room.

The second she was out of sight I started laughing loudly at the sight of Alice trying to walk by holding a corn dog and looking angry.

Jihoon looked at me with a smile and placed his forehead on mine.

"What? Why were you looking at me like that? Is my laugh weird?"

He shook his head and grinned while quickly giving me a small peck on the lips.

"I love your laugh."

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows with a big smile on my face.

"So cheesy... You are so cheesy Lee Jihoon."

His grin widened and he tightened his hold around me. Both of us settled into each others embrace and sighed contentedly. Until, Dino and Vernon walked into the living room.

Jihoon pouted and whined while snuggling himself closer to me. He placed his head in the crook of my neck and tightened his hold even more.

"What do you guys want?"

I closed my eyes and tried holding back a laugh as Jihoon kept mumbling and whining about why he couldn't be left alone and had to keep being interrupted by others.

"Hyung, we have to send a video today. If we don't send it to them on time manager hyung will make us have to go back."

After Vernon reminded Woozi of the deal they made with their manager, Dino quickly walked out of the room.

Jihoon let go of me and nodded to the Vernon. Vernon walked away in the same direction Dino left.

After a few seconds, Jihoon got up but turned around and faced me. He stood standing for a few seconds with a frown on his face.

"Jagi, does Alice or Alex have a stereo the boys and I could use?"

My face became warm and red at his sudden use of the new nickname. My heart beat like crazy and I could only manage to shrug to answer his question.

Run Away to Find Love (Seventeen Woozi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now