Mission: Match-Maker

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Dino, Vernon, Mingyu and I have an on-going tradition to go out and eat together whenever they completely finish promotions after a comeback.

We always invite Jihoon to join us, but he prefers to go back to the dorms and rest. I guess even that part has begun tradition ha~

But how our tradition works is; when promotions are done, the first night we go have dinner to the place that Dino wants to go. The next night is Vernon's turn to pick where we eat. Then Mingyu, and then me!

Today we are currently sitting in the same restaurant for a third day straight... Vernon's choice, even though it's my day to choose...

"You. Are. Whipped."

I raise one eyebrow in interest and a smirk appears on my face.

"What- no. What are you talking about."

Both Mingyu and I laugh at Vernon's slowly reddening face.

"Oh please you can't hide it! And it's not a coincidence that you wanted to come here at the same time either. We're not as dense as you think."

Leaning my head on my hand, I roll my eyes teasingly and I let out a sigh. He's totally whipped.

"Hey, sorry for taking so long. Alice said that she'll be home late tomorrow because of some faculty meeting at the school. That means out date tomorrow is sadly cancelled."

Chan gives us a small smile and shrugs his shoulders. He's another one that's whipped I guess. Haha~

"Mmmm~ no more sad faces! This is our night to eat good food and hang out for a bit before we start doing our own things again!"

I let out a chuckle as Mingyu whines about us hanging out less and less.

But it's sadly true.

Even if I don't have work, I'm usually in the studio working hard to write songs for other artists in Pledis or hanging out with Alice at home or spending time with Jihoon at home.

Not to mention I was also warned to not spend too much time with the other boys in order to avoid any stupid and unnecessary scandals.

Way earlier when fans found out about Jihoon and I, a lot of eyes were on me, and when Chan and I decided to hangout one day, a bunch of rumors popped up that I was cheating on Jihoon.

It really is hard sometimes to have hidden eyes constantly watching you.
But that's why we always treasure this tradition.

"Jess, are you listening?"

I blink a few times and I tilt my head to the right, and let out a hum.

"I was just saying that Vernon should try and ask the girl out. Don't you agree?"

I look at Vernon while he scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, I do actually. You should totally ask her out."

I softly nudge Vernon's shoulder and Mingyu and I hi-five.

"Well, let's call her over and ask for some dessert and her number!"

Dino grins and gets the attention of the girl and calls her over.

"Do you guys need anything else? Or do you want the check?"

The three of us look at Vernon and he coughs and clears his throat. I quickly nod towards him and he looks at her.

"Uh yeah, we just want some dessert..."

The girl smiles and nods pulling out her note-pad.

"We have icecream and we have a brownie cake available right now. What would you like?"

"I'd like the brownie cake please. And uh, maybe... y-your number?"

Mingyu, Chan, and I smile at each other before looking at them again.

The girl bites her lip and nods softly.

"I'll come back with your order soon."

She smiles at Vernon and then leaves. The three of us with smirks plastered on our faces, and Vernon lets out a big sigh.

"That wasn't too bad."

Vernon looks at Chan with a small glare, but it's gone as soon at the girl comes back with our dessert.

"Okay! One brownie cake and my number."

She places the cake on our table and hands Vernon a folded sheet of torn paper from her note-pad. She smiles again and leaves.

"Oh! My name is Vernon!"

The girl turns around and nods.

"I'm Miyeon! Text me."

Vernon turns around to face us with his mouth wide open.

"Completely. Whipped."

Chan smirks when Vernons glares at him again. But he stops when he sees the brownie cake on our table.

"Well, let's dig in!"

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