She is pretty...
But Sara had to go and make poor little Kendall all upset and hurt her feelings. I don't understand why anybody would do something like that! Kendall was so nice to her and all Sara did was yell at her. Big meanie.
We left Sara in the back of the group to think about what she has done as the rest of us comforted Kendall. Her bright blue eyes looked sad, but I could tell there was something behind them, I didn't know what it was though, or whether or not it could be trusted. I quickly decided that it could, who could not trust Kendall?
She asked questions, and we answered them all honestly.
"What are your guys' powers?" she asked. Jake answered that one.
"I am able to dream the future, past, or present, Julian can teleport, Echo can move things with his mind, and Sara has super senses." he scowled when he mentioned Sara, we all did.
"What makes your powers stronger?" asked Kendall. I answered that one.
"Our powers get stronger whenever we do something good, relating to our power. Like, if we learned something new about it and learned to use it in a good way." I responded.
"What makes your powers weaker?" was another question. Echo answered that one, despite Sara's evil looks directed at him at the time.
"When we get harmed, our powers like, go a little bit. Bigger the damage to our body, bigger the damage to our power." said he.
The questions went on like this for a while, and we answered them. Finally, it was pitch black around us, and we could barely see a thing. We decided we would fall asleep in a cave made of piled up rocks.
My mind pretty much passed out as soon as my head hit the cold hard floor. I didn't have any dreams, but it felt like no time at all before I woke up, by myself I might add.
I looked around. Daylight was coming, so it was a tiny bit light in our cave. Jake was in the back left corner, fidgeting, probably having a dream. Echo was snoring lightly near the entrance of the cave. Sara was no where to be seen, but I didn't care, considering what she did to Kendall. Kendall wasn't in the cave either, so I decided to go looking for her.
I walked to the opening of the cave, and I saw Kendall talking on a phone to somebody, and I could faintly hear the words she was saying. I was about to call out to her, to let her know I was there, when I got yanked down by a soft hand into a bush next to me. Sara was looking at me with wild eyes.
"What?" I whispered.
"Shhh!" she said, very quietly. Then she picked up my hand, though I fidgeted, and she placed it on my head. I suddenly felt like I was in the mind of Kendall. Well, I was in the mind of Kendall, and I could hear every word she, and the person she was talking to, was saying as clear as daylight.
"I know what I have to do, yes!" she said, and I think I detected.a hint of fear in her voice.
"I don't think you do, Kitt. What information do you have about them? None!" said a deep voice on the other end of the conversation. In her mind, I could tell this was her boss, and her last name was Kitt.
"I do too! I have their powers, their weaknesses, their strengths, the things that keep them motivated to do stuff, and more! I have everything I need!" Kendall wailed.
"I doubt you got the info about their school. We need that! It's very important, you know that!"
"I know some stuff about their school!"
"Do you have all the information though? We need what's protecting the school, it's headmaster, it's strongest people, what they learn, everything, Kitt, everything! Well do you?"
"No...I'll get it as soon as possible! I promise! I won't let you down Mr. Carr!"
"You better not, Kitt. It's your job to lead them here. That diviner 3500 years ago said those four are the strongest of the entire school, and he spoke that rhyme thing. That rhyme thing said that if we don't stop them, they will destroy us, and their entire school will help! That is why we have to stop these four first, then take over the school. Do you understand Kitt?" Mr. Carr said.
"Yes, I know the plan, you've only told me a million times!"
"Then what do you know about their school?"
"The only thing we started out with. Once anybody leaves the school, they're not gonna be able to go back. Not until they finish what they left for."
FantasyJake, Sara, Echo, and Julian are in a camp for people with rare, special powers. They learn to control and use their powers for good. But one day a message comes saying that they needed 4 brave warriors with 4 different rare powers to go to a top se...