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I need to know.

As the other girls and I lay down, I am overcome by a great surge of curiosity. I know that if I touch something, I can tell everything about it's history, but I used to think it was a lame part of my power. But now I wonder, can that work on people too? I will have to try now, while everyone is sleeping.

I start with Senara after the rest of the girls drift off to a light sleep. I walk by her head, and kneel down by it. I slowly move her bangs away from her forehead and inhaled a deep breath. I placed my hand on her forehead and almost immediately blacked out.


I open my eyes to a small and stout woman running along a sidewalk with her head down. She looked a lot like Senara, from what I can tell. Sparkling green eyes with long eyelashes decorated her face. Her tan skin matches Senara's exactly. I assume if she grew out her hair, it would be exactly like Senara's, but it was cut very close to her head like a boy's.

The woman's heels click quickly on the sidewalk as she hid a blue bundle in her short arms. I looked in the bundle, and saw a small baby. I'd bet my buckle that's Senara. What really gave her away was the big circle of light around her that really stood out on the cloudy day. Senara looked around the age of one, but she was still small enough to fit in the bundle.

The woman ran down an alley where papers and bags flew by and it was littered with empty boxes and newspapers. The woman placed Senara in a stray box, and Senara giggled, her light shining even brighter than before.

"Mama!" her mom was doing this? She's cruel!

Her mom shushed Senara and walked away quickly, as if she didn't want anybody to see what she did. The light around Senara faded, and eventually went out completely, replaced by a rain cloud above her. Sobs escaped her loudly.

Senara eventually rolled over out of the box and hit the floor. She crawled to the entrance of alley and...

I woke up with a start. What happened? I stared down at Senara's sleeping face and wondered how she got here. I'll figure it out, I will.

I moved on to Tiffany and hoped I wouldn't just get what Jake saw in his vision. That would waste precious time. I gently placed my hand on her forehead and blacked out again.


Little Tiffany was running down the streets with tears in her eyes and down her face. Her hair was braided in the back but it was coming loose with lots of strands out of the braid. What was the oddest thing though, was that this is the exact same scene from my Senara vision.

Clouds covered the sky and thunder rumbled in the distance. Wind blew things around and Tiff was shivering from it. She huddled in her sweater.

She passed the exact same alley Senara was left in. She slowed down to a halt when she heard cries coming from the alley. Tiff turned and slowly walked in cautiously.

"Hello? Who's here?" Tiff called. The sobs quieted. The little Senara baby that was abandoned here crawled out.

Tiff tried to pick her up in her small, four-year-old arms, but was unsuccessful, so she sat down by Senara.

"Where's your mama?" she asked.

"Mama leaved me." Senara said.

"I won't leave you. I'll take you with me! What's your name?"


Tiff went over to the box Senara crawled out of and picked it up. She placed Senara in it carefully and picked it up. Senara giggled. Once they were ready to go, they exited the alley together. Then they started their long journey.

I again woke up, this time cold, yet covered in sweat. I still need to know about Kendall. I crawled over weakly to her. I was breaking the limits on my powers. But still, I placed my hand on her head.

This time, I blacked out immediatly.


Kendall was the same age in here as she is today, with long brown hair and bright blue eyes exactly like they are outside of my vision thing. Except something was wrong; her bottom lip is quivering, her eyes filled with tears, her face very red.

A man with the same hair (except cut short) and the same eyes as Kendall was shoving her towards a door. He pushed her in the door that led to a janitors closet and followed her in, then slammed the door shut behind them.

"Kit! You have to this whether you want to or not! This entire place is depending on you to get those four kids and you don't want to do it?!" the man shouted at her. He lifted his hand and Kendall flinched. The corners of the man's mouth twitched. "You're afraid! Aren't you? Well, Kit, we don't have room for people to be afraid. You know that. And do you know what this place does to people who are afraid?"


"We kick them out!" he spit every word in her face one at a time. "So are you gonna do it, or do I have to kick you out?"

"Can't Flinn do it?"

The man gave a sinister smile. "Flinn has other things on his hands."

"Fine. I'll do it." said Kendall, standing up straight.

"Do what?"

"I'll get those kids and bring them here. I don't know what you're gonna do to them, but I'll do it."

I woke up for the last time, almost completely unconscious from pushing my limits in my powers. Except this time, Kendall's eyes were wide open and staring at me with hatred.

She stood up and stared at me even more. I stumbled and fell, but eventually I got to my feet, and the room started spinning. But I could still see Kendall raise her hand, and she smacked me across my cheeck.

I had one thought before I blacked out like Echo did;

She is the enemy.

Then my head hit the cave floor and then everything went black.


Hey guys, sorry for such a bad chapter, I'm running out of ideas here. So I just wanted to give a shoutout to everybody who gave me a character in the comments.

        Catsmeowpurr=that golden cat from the Jake's vision back at Flemming.




Remember to post your own idea for a character in the comments, anybody can do it! Anybody who does will get followed, and a shoutout for their character!

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