Getting to know my fellow villain

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Crows P.O.V
Mayapple has already went to her room while I'm still here with (Y/N), and to be honest I really don't know what to say. Usually us villains would talk about who's stronger or more Intelligent, but all that leads to fighting with one another. I would like to say something for once, but oh bolts do I have to say it . . . Be nice? I hardly am nice. Sure I did a couple of things for that would be considered nice to the princesses and that one prince. I went to the abyss to regain treasure to help Princess Apoidea's kingdom that was low on money to help her citizens. I then helped Princess Farrah day escape that lab with her brothers or sisters? I really don't know If I helped the other 2. . .  But ok fine I did a couple of nice things, but this is different. I feel how do you say . . . Nervous, but I can't sit around saying nothing to her. How to strike up a conversation with a really good looking bad girl. Hmm maybe ask about herself, what made her a villain in the first place yeah! Way to go me. I'm always coming up with ideas.

(Y/N) P.O.V
"Soo (Y/N) tell me how did you become a villain anyways?" Well Isn't that the first time someone has asked me on how I became the person that I am. I will tell him, but I would like to know his side. Some villains don't always grow up the same to be a villain. "Ok I will, but you need to tell me about how you became a villain . . . Deal?" "Deal". As I sit down with Crow he begins telling me. "My story of me becoming a villain is well . . . Short. For you see I came from a family of evil villains before me. My father was a villain and his father was a villain. It basically goes on to the first family member of being a bad guy." Interesting. . . He comes from a line of villains then, how interesting. "Now it's your turn, I never heard of you before. So I'm generally curious." He looks at me with that evil smirk of his. He probably gives those to who interest him. "Ok now where do I begin . . . Well I didn't really actually started off as a bad guy. I used to be a good guy, but It all ended because some people felt jealous of my powers and such."

Crows P.O.V
WHAT!?! SHE WAS ONCE A HERO!!! Now that caught me off guard. I'm a little confused when she said my powers. Hmm I might ask what her powers are? "Uhh (Y/N) What exactly is this power of yours?" She looked at me then she looked at my armor. I didn't understand what she was doing until I noticed her (E/C) began to turn purple like the color of my armor. After a good 10 seconds she then began to glow. I stepped back a little cause I never seen something like this before. . . That and the glow was hurting my eyes. After the glow was gone I looked back at (Y/N) and my eyes went wide. She had the same armor as me, but a little different and a bit more strong looking. She smiles at me "Now you know how I beat Mack." So she can copy ones ability and skills. . . Now I really want this girl on my side. Together we can be unstoppable, and maybe I'll consider sharing my empire with som- NO!!! Stop it Crow this isn't you, you always wanted to rule the world by yourself with minions going out doing more of the hard stuff while I sit on top of my own throne controlling those who are helpless or had no choice but to submit to me. I could ask her if she like to join, but that will be all. I hope her being a minion helps stop making my heart ach. I'm supposed to hate my fellow villains, but this girl is making me feel things I don't like to feel. "So you basically copycat?"

(Y/N) P.O.V
"Well yes I do, once I did the same to Mack he couldnt beat me.
Beating me is almost near impossible cause." "It's basically fighting with your shadow... It's near impossible. Your shadow might know everything your going to do, but that's not going to help it since you know what your shadow is going to do . . . Strange isn't it"? Crow interrupted. (Ha! couldn't contain myself to bring that into the story I'm sorry for those who know what I'm talking about)
"Yes Crow, Though I have this special power some of my so called friends grew jealous of my gift. They then tried to kill me so they wouldn't have to see my victories or my power ever again. They felt that killing me would make them feel better about themselves cause they don't have a gift such as mine."

Crows P.O.V
Holy mother of bolts she must have went through hell. "What ever happened to you? Like what happened when they were trying to kill you?" She looked at me a little sad. "You wanna know how I found this castle hidden deep into Micro City's Forest? Well . . . This was where my friends brought me to kill me." I felt my dark cold heart break for her. The home she lives in is the same place she was about to get murdered in by those she trusted. Man . . . That is truly evil, but not a good evil. It's more like a bad evil that some of us bad guys wouldn't dare take to far. "How did you figured it out while you were here? And how did you survive?" "The moment I pieced everything together It was to late. They stabbed me in the back literally, and then beaten the holy bolts out of me, I then fell unconscious. They thought I was dead then, so they left me here to rot. I couldn't move my body what so ever. I stood in the middle of this castle lifeless and in pure pain. Once I regained movement the next 2 days I then went back to the station to get help, but when I got there they were all celebrating my so called friends victory. For what you may ask? The victory of taking me down." Wait what? They were celebrating the victory of taking out (Y/N)? "Why were they celebrating your death and congratulating those who tried to kill you?" She stood quiet for a few seconds then spoke. "They told everyone that I was going to kill them then take out everyone back at the station. They told them that I was a villain disguised as a hero. While I stood from afar watching and hearing the horrible things they said about me, my heart broke. I then felt anger boiling up inside of me, I then went back to this castle and made it my home . . . A reminder of how good guys would go so far to get the attention and the glory." Hearing her story makes me feel bad for her. "Now here I am sitting in the dark coming up with a plan to take over the world. They told the people I was a villain, so a villain I became." She really did went through hell. Thankfully she is ok now, but I'm curious of what the in bolts happened to those who did her wrong? Hmm I guess I will have to ask tomorrow if I ever want to know more.

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