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(Last update: July 2, 2k17)

Recent Update (April 2018)

Hi to everyone! So this is updated. Lol, so lemme just remind you guys that I'm editing this or will edit but as you can see I'm starting the editing and I bet it will be hella long. So at around of the time this is still being edited don't read it for the meanwhile so ye won't taste suckiness— er dunno.

(PS: I know that sometimes the point of view suddenly switches to third person when it is currently on first person, it is because when the book still isn't edited, it is on third person. Though please bear with me for the inconvenience, I'll have to fix it sooner or later. Thankyou)

Anyways please enjoy and thankyou for the readers or so
The people who spend their
Time reading my works.

And please voooootteeeeeee!


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