The start of it all...

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"Maxwell, believe us. It wasn't us! We would never!"

"Look! I don't believe it either....but all the evidence points towards you two," Maxwell said tugging at his blonde curly hair.

"MAX! You know us though!  We are like family!" Cynthia cried.

Louis walked over and comforted her. He wrapped his arms around his soul mates shoulders and wiped her tears away from her soft rosy cheeks.

"Maxwell, I believe we were framed.." He softly said.

"Look, I'm sorry... But there is nothing more I can do.. It's not in my hands anymore."

Louis looked up at Maxwell with his piercing dark blue eyes. 

"Please..." He whispered.


Cynthia and Louis turned to see a mob running towards them. Led by no other than Rodney.

"Maxwell, help us!" Cynthia cried.

Maxwell looked around. Worry spread across his face.

"Quick. Get under the bridge," He said jumping into the air, spreading his wings.

Louis jumped and did the same, before slowly picking up pregnant Cynthia.

"Louis..." She cried.

Louis looked down at her. Tears formed a stream down her cheeks, eyes red and puffy.

"Every thing will be fine, my dear," he said kissing her hair.

"No. Louis.... It's time."

Louis's eyes got wide. He looked down at her stomach and saw water dripping.

"You water broke..." He mumbled.

She nodded before screaming in pain.


Her pale tiny hands gripped onto his shirt and she squinted her eyes, wincing in pain.

Louis arrived at the bridge and set her on the ground.

"Louis, what's wrong?" Maxwell asked approaching them.

"Maxwell..It's time. She's having the babies..."

Maxwell gasped and stared down at Cynthia.

He was a doctor... this was his job to fulfill.

"Move, Louis. We must do this quick. Fetch my briefcase. It's just over there."

Louis nodded and flew over to the case. He could faintly hear screams in the distance raging at his name.

Cynthia hollered in pain and arched her back. The pain had to be some of the worse she's felt in her life. Of all times, her children had to choose now.

"Breathe in and out, Cynthia my dear. Before you know it, they will be here," Maxwell cooed softly gripping her hand.

Cynthia let out another ear piercing scream just as Louis arrived.

"Hurry, take out my tools. There's not much time. She's 10 inched dilated already," Maxwell said after checking Cynthia's progress.

Louis handed over the tools then kneed down to Cynthia placing a kiss upon her forehead.

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