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Welp here's the first tag because I always comment on people's works and that makes me an easy pick ;P

1. Favorite Band?
Wow, already off to the hard questions... If I had to pick two of my favorites right now, they would be Twenty One Pilots and Ninja Sex Party. I'll leave one of their songs (that is personally one of my favorites) up at the top so you can listen to it.

2. Favorite YouTuber?
Well, one of them is pretty obvious. Game Grumps, they're hilarious. I also love SuperMega, Oney, Markiplier, JackSepticEye, PewDiePie, so many more this would last a good page before it ended-

3. Do you own any of the 2's merchandise?
I'm guessing you mean the YouTubers, in which I have more than two, but I watch SuperMega and GameGrumps the most so let's go with those. No, but I would kill to have the Game Grumps crew or Matt and Ryan on a T-Shirt.

4. Pepsi or Coke?
Mountain Dew.
(To be honest probably Coke they honestly taste the same to me but y'know I have to pick one)

5. Least Favorite Person?
Not on WattPad, but I remember this kid who went to my school (we'll call him Phil for privacy purposes). I remember he was an ass to like, anybody. He made my friend cry once, annoyed the living shit out of my other, and when it came to me he was the nicest person ever, like dafuq?

6. Hair Color?
My mom says it's "Dishwater Blonde" but the less offensive and more easy description is brown but light enough to be called blonde. Idrk, that's the best I can put it??

7. Internet or Family?
I'm not that heartless. Family of course.

8. Squids or Octopi?
Hell, I don't know, why are we talking about octopi and squids?

9. Llamas or Lions?
Llama, llama llama
Who is that big llama
Starting all that drama
Its me biatch

10. Do you have apps on your phone? If so, which?
Well, how else would I be writing this? My mains are YouTube, WattPad, Instagram, Snapchat, Amino and sometimes Zedge. They're p kewl.

11. How do you feel about Ryan Ross?
//looks up 'Ryan Ross'
... A baby-faced Brendon Urie. I'll listen to his music later. (Watch I bet you I'm gonna love his music and regret what I just said 😂😂😂)

12. Video Games?
I love Breath of the Wild right now ❤❤

13. Favorite Princess?
Tiana has been my favorite ever since Princess and the Frog has come out, but I feel like I can relate to Moana and Anna a lot, so those three I guess-
My favorite Disney Princess is Matt

Anyways, I was tagged by crissythedimondgem12, but I'm super lazy on who to tag so you don't have to make this tag whoever I tag
IzzySepticEye ZaneTheVyladKiller Minjy_ ShiverlyTimberly bitterwind_

Have a good day folks ;P

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