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tagged by Fandomtrashboi
since most of it is what I put in the last chapter, I'll only put what I hadn't answered here--

Any mental illnesses?
I haven't been diagnosed with any but who knows what goes on in my silly little mind =)
Being serious though, no, I do not have any mental illness,,,

Ugh ok I hate to say my personality because I feel like whenever I describe myself people will find things untrue that i believed about myself and-
ok, I'll just put like five words
I'm stubborn, lazy, funny (I think whoops), weird and artistic--
there we go

Favorite books/apps?
For books, I'd say I love the Divergent series (first to make me cry actually), The Hunger Games was really good (I'm still on the second book though), Harry Potter was also a pretty good series, The Fault In Our Stars was amazing, I also really like manga series but those might fall under the comic book category--
As for apps, as per usual, YouTube and WattPad ftw,,,

Tag 20 people
oh boy here it goes-
also remember if you don't want to make a tag post just comment on the questions! I won't be upset-

6 because I already get anxiety from tagging four people x-x

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