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Wow, I was tagged three times by the same person
//wipes non-existent sweat off of forehead
Welp, let's get on with the answers!
Oh yeah, and in case you skipped the last two chapters (because you may have been tagged in this and not the others) I was tagged by crissythedimondgem12

Onwards, aoshima!

Onwards, aoshima!

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Type of phone?

I have a Samsung Galaxy S4. I know it's super old, but I'm getting a new phone sooner or later and I'm going to try to get an Apple, just because they're pretty cool!


January 2nd. Shower me with presents ;) (and kisses since I'm single naow)

Best Friends?

Minjy_ , ZaneTheVyladKiller , and very_much_trash . At least, irl. Another pretty cool friend is EstefaniaLovesU . Oh yeah, surprise, I'm single now guys! Please don't spam me with texts! 😅

Favorite Song?

I already stated the three in a previous chapter, so I'll just list them and you can go find them since I'm lazy.
The Score - Unstoppable
Pentatonix - Can't Sleep Love
Ed Sheeran - Galway Girl
Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention I'm in love with this song--

It's Alela Diane - Take Us Back. Her voice is simply amazing, the sound is great, and the lyrics just add to the overall perfection.

Biggest Fear?

I already mentioned three, so I'll say a different one. Um...
Arachnophobia. Spiders will be the literal death of me, and I don't understand how people can own them as pets??

Hair Color?

I like how people call it dirty blonde, so yeah. Dirty blonde.

Favorite Subject?

If I'm being honest, out of all of them, art and theatre. Those were subjects in my school, at least.
If we're talking core subjects, though, reading and english. And science. Read because, I love to read of course, english because it helps me improve my writing, and science because it's kinda easy for me to get. (We also had the most lit teacher in science, she brought us donuts and stuff.)


Wow, ok, I kind of have a lot. Let's see...
Sophie (the main)
Soap (my sister is weird)
and my sister called me soph-a-loaf for like two months. Don't ask about the last three 😅😅😅

Favorite App?

It's definitely a tie between Wattpad and Youtube. Oh yeah, I like Instagram too.

2 Facts About Yourself?

Well, I guess one that isn't too obvious to a lot of people is that I love the outdoors. Even though I'm an introvert and prefer saying inside, in my bed, I love simply going outside and feeling that rush of energy fill my veins.

Oh yeah, and I want to get tan too. I'm way too pale...

Another fact could be that writing is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. Even though if you read my works it may seem apparent, only about 5 people at my school know I have a Wattpad, possibly less! They also think I'm only an art nerd how likes drawing guys with black void eyes or guys with eye patches and weird arms.. and flower crown girls too.... moving on :,)

Favorite Thing in your Room?

My bed.... that's kind of obvious, though... I need to go out more, maybe I can go get Starbucks tomorrow...

Anyways, thanks for reading through this really depressing tag! I'll just tag 5 random people who pop up, so prepare your asses. (Oh yeah, and remember if you don't want to make a tag post just simply comment on the questions!)

bluethedorito Edo_Nalu a_trash_bin -Tom-Eddsworld- king_fluffy_buns

Thanks for the tag, and goodbye ❤

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