Chapter 3

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The weather in this place was amazing. Immediately I was out of the car I could feel the amazing fresh air hit my face and I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. I couldn't wait to take my wolf out for a run but that could wait right now the first task was to meet the Alpha and the Luna of the pack.Charlie took the lead and my work was to follow his lead. I could feel eyes on us as we made our way to the entrance of the house where the Alpha and the Luna stood. Charlie and I never visited packs as much as our parents did we mostly stayed at the palace so this was going to be so different to what we were used to. It was right to say most people didn't know how we looked like, we weren't exposed so much for our safety since someone could benefit with having royal two hybrids.

"Welcome, my name is Alpha Denzel and this is my wife Luna Zipporah, also this is my beta Peter and my gamma Ben." I watched as their eyes widened, I wasn't entirely shocked they were meeting the royal children for the first time. I had a tight smile on my face as I shook their hands.

"But you kids don't have to be all formal on us," Zipporah commented nervously.She had such soft features, her skin looked soft and seemed to have a natural tan to it. She seemed to be like an awesome kind friendly mother most definitely someone who would get along with my mother.

"Thank you so much for having us, my name is Charlie, this is my sister Alexandra and our future beta Sam and future gamma Amy and finally we have our warriors." Charlie introduced us.

"Welcome to the Black Moons pack, we shall show you into the house." There seemed to be a tensed atmosphere. We were used to it, our presence always commands respect and it's not something we can change, we got used to it with time.
I took some time to study my surroundings and master it, it was a habit we had been taught to develop since it always came as an added advantage. The grounds seemed to be a little too quiet, probably everyone had been told to make themselves scarce by the time we arrived. The house was big but not us big as the castle, everything that we came across was nothing compared to the castle but what I could say was it was homey. It seemed all so normal, something I was not familiar with. They had large windows that overlooked the grounds and the forest and it made me wonder how it would feel to jump all the way from the fourth floor and just have a run with all the adrenaline.

"If you don't mind we shall head to my office and discuss some things before we do anything else and meanwhile I would have our maids take your bags to your respective rooms,"

"Actually we have two of our nannies so I hope you don't mind them joining your maids to setup,"Charlie motioned toward Gretel and her husband Carlos who stepped forward.This are the two people who took care of my brother and I since the day we were born.They might be of age but they acted just like a young couple, they had a special place in our hearts because they have seen us through thick and thin.

As we walked to the Alpha's office I made sure to master my surroundings looking for escape routes in case of an attack and alternative routes to that. It always had always been one of the rules during training, always know find the alternative way out.

By the time we made to Alpha Denzel's office I hadn't seen another soul in this house which was awkward for a big pack house like this one. It was only Charlie, Sam, Amy and me who were attending the meeting in the office together with Peter, Ben, Zipporah and Denzel.

"Where is everyone?"It's like Sam took the question right out of my mouth

"They are out doing some training,most likely by now they might be back for lunch,"Peter answered.

"Thank you so much for coming once more at such short notice as you might have been told we have been experiencing severe rouge attacks leading to the death of many, " he paused for a while obviously as the Alpha he might feel he has let down his people despite the situation being beyond his power. "We asked your father the king for help and he told me trusts you, his children to come to help us by working together with us and as I promised him we are prepared to provide whatever resources you need to help us take them down."

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