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"June,how was the flight"-Bella asked me.

"Oh don't even ask me, it was great. Bells I think it's time to replace you,I got a new friend!"

"Oh,really may I know who's the bitch trying to take my place?"

We are sitting at the reception,and Jake is talking to the hotel manager about our rooms.

"Jealous much?"

"No clearly not,just wondering who has that peculiar tendency to tolerate you more than me!"

"Well,it's a guy!"

"A guy,and how dare you, not telling me about that?"

"Because. . . . .".She is waiting for a sensible answer.

"You're being replaced!". Here is the most sensible answer I could give,of course how I will tell her about all the mess created and my friendship with Zach.

"Excuse me, are you Ms.Parker?"-a guy came with a bouquet of orchids.

"Um...Yeah I think so!"."Here,these beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady" he said with a cute smile.

"May I know who's the gentleman behind these gentle flowers."Hope you like it, Ms. Jullite." -is what he said,and I guess it was enough to identify who's the gentleman.

"I'm impressed Mr.Romeo!"-I muttered under my breath.

Well, how about a pair of confused eyes staring at me.

"So,Ms. Julliet, would you mind telling me what the hell is going on!".Okay,so I need to tell her. I can't keep secrets from her.

"Here,read this note and you'll understand everything."

"Hey, Julliet thanks for being my friend

"J,I've already read Shakespeare's Romeo and Julliet, like million of times. Who is Romeo, tell me?"
Okay sorry Zach!!
"Zach." I spilled out quickly, closing my eyes.

"Who is Zach?"

"Zach Williams Evans."

"Who's Zach W....Evans?,"Evans?".Her eyes widen.

"Do you mean Zach Evans-That hot and handsome Pop -Star?"."Hey,Bella don't shout,people are looking here."

"Yes,Zach Evans and the rest of the thing I'll tell you in room, right now just shut your mouth!".I grabbed the key from Jake,as soon as he came and I took Bella to the room,  looks like she'll going to faint at any moment.

"Hey,J what's wrong , remember your room is 113 don't enter into someone's else room." -Jake shouted from the reception.

"Bella look you know I can't keep secrets from you,so please behave while I'm going to tell you what happened during the flight.

So that's how we end up being friends"

"J, are you crazy you are such a great music lover and you don't know who is  Zee?"-Bella asked me out of oblivion.

"It's not necessary bells, that everyone likes your music." I said wisely as if it's quoted by me."Anyways,I now know about him."

I told bells each and every fight details about our fights,agreement of ending up as friends along with my collab with him and that he liked my voice.
But telling her that I'll going to meet him again  is something I can't risk about,so our talk ends up here.

"So, are you going to share the room with Jacob, and what happened in flight tell me everything?"

"No J of course not, but I can tell you what happened in plane.
Jake,said he likes me!"

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