Purple Girl x Spring Trap(For A Friend)

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(Well first off this is going to be a short one and it is a Clean Fan fiction!)
"Purple Girl/Violet has had a crush on SpringTrap for the past year but she has been to Afraid to tell him until she confesses to Him Right now"
*Purple girl/Violet*Walks towards SpringTrap she is sweating and a little Nervous*
|Violet:H-Hey Spring Trap..H-How are you?*Blushes a little*|
Spring-Trap:Oh Hey Purple Girl!-Why are you sweating so much?*Confused look*
|Violet:W-Well um..NeverMind..*Blushes and looks away From Him*|
Spring-Trap:Is there something you wanna tell me Purple Girl?*Walks Closer to her and puts hand in her shoulder*Smiles*
|Violet:W-Well Yes..Its just hard to tell you..That I...*Blushes even harder*|
Spring-Trap:Is it that you like me or something?*Realizes she does*blushes*
*Spring-Trap kisses Purple Girl*they Both Blush*
|Violet:S-Spring-Trap you knew..I liked you?!*Blushes*|
Spring-Trap:Yes I always knew..and I love you!*Wags bunny tail*
|Violet:I-I love you too*Hugs Him*
*The End I hope you Enjoyed this!*from..The Author..Me*

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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FNAF Fan fictions (CLEAN)-By:Kenny KangarooWhere stories live. Discover now