Oneshot for Brijasmine

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 Again I fail life. Another apology goes out to another person, Brianna gomen. K let's do this.


  Things just sucked ass right now.  The unpleasant pain coming from your thigh made it worse. Let's take a travel back in time shall we?

 ~ Moving back in time like 2 hours agoo~

 You were on a little outing to have some bonding time with your dear brothers, Sam and Dean. Pft you wish. No, instead you were accompanying them on one of their many hunts. In an abandoned mental hospital. Now you are a sensible young woman capable of making the decisions. Today you were seeking adventure. Bad decision.

 You expected a creepy as fuck building, with a foreboding atmosphere, and peeing your pants. What you didn't expect was a knife aimed directly at your crotch. You moved in time to save any future children, but instead had your thigh impaled.

 ~ Present time~

   After shoving away your brothers, and assuring them you were fine, you mourned your injured thigh. I guess no sexy time anytime soon ( lol jk). You failed to notice the shadow at the edge of the room ( no it's not a serial killer).

 " Brianna your not yourself when your hungry, eat a snickers."

 Surprised you turned your head to see the arch angel himself holding a snicker's bar. You took it gratefully devouring the candy.

 " Better?"

 Rolling your eyes you punched the jokester in the arm.


 I enjoyed writing that, I hope you liked it Brianna :D. Two requests in a day, take that America. Ciao lovelies.

 ~ L. Bloom

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