Chapter 3

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"Amara wake up the food here", Ahmed spoke coming into my room.

"Alright I'm coming down", Amara said waking up. She stretched her aching bones that cracked from hour nap. Taking random naps were also, apart of her day to day schedule, and was something she actually looked forward to especially after school. As she made her way downstairs her senses was greeted with the enticing smell. One thing Amara looked forward to was eating. Many people thought that because she was a vegan her appetite was small, so she barely ate. When in reality it was the complete opposite. You would never see Amara without at least some sort of food in her hand or chewing something. She walked into the dining room, and sat down to her food.

"Finally", she muttered those snacks definitely didn't hold her hunger for shit.

As she continued eating, her mom entered the apartment returning from her errand.

"Hey baby", Ayana said kissing Amara's forehead. Forehead kisses was a big thing for Ayana, she always says you know how much someone loves you from whether they kiss you on your forehead. Call her crazy but, she felt that it was the truth.

"Hey Ma, where you went", Amara replied turning towards her mother.

Ayana took a seat from across her daughter at the table, and began to divide the bills by the ones that had to be paid by tomorrow and, the others that could receive late payments.

"I went to Con Edison to pay the light bill honey, if I didn't do it tonight they would've shut us down", Ayana replied while shuffling through the bills.

Amara glanced up at her mother with a feeling of love swarming through her. It was no secret that they sometimes struggled financially, but, her mother would always go to the ends of the earth to make sure her and Ahmed were good by all means. This only pushed Amara to want to be successful so she could at least try to repay her, in at least some way to show her how grateful she is for all that she's done for her.

"If you ever need any extra money to cover the bills you can just ask me Ma' I have more than enough money saved from work", Amara said while closing her food container and walking towards the fridge to put her food up.

"That won't be necessary, the money you've earned is for you. Financially we may be a little rocky at times but, what family isn't we're okay no need to trouble yourself", Ayana responded peering at her daughter over her glasses.

"Alright Ma' but just know the offer still stands and always will", Amara said while closing the fridge and making her way back to her room.

"Mhm, thank you honey", Ayana said while turning back to the bills in front of her.

Ayana broke her neck for her kids, everything she did was for them and it will remain this way up until her last breath. When her husband Akim disappeared when her children were only 7 it absolutely tore her apart. Ayana and Akim met when she was 16, he was 18 at the time and was heavily involved in the drug world at the time. But when they met sparks flew and it became the typical "king pin" and innocent girl falling in love, pregnancy, and marriage. They're marriage wasn't perfect but, they both knew were they stood in each other's lives and they were madly in love up until he disappeared. However, on the first of every month 12,000 is put in her mailbox in a blue sealed envelope with letters attached saying 11 simple words..

I love you is to simple to say your my heart..

These 11 simple words kept Ayana's heart alive longing for Akim's return, she never told her kids about this of course they would have lots of questions and she was nervous at how they would take it. She loved her children but, years later Akim still has a piece of her heart.


"So baby, your 19 almost turning 20 when am I gonna meet a girlfriend or something," Imani said to her eldest son Kovan who sat across from her eating his dinner, which consisted of mashed potatoes, steak and, broccoli which was his favorite meal ever since he was a little boy.

Kovan rolled his eyes already knowing where this conversation was going. Every time he came to his mothers house they had the same conversation all the time, when is he gonna settle down, get married, have kids. He just ignored his mom cause she just wanted grand kids as soon as possible, but kovan wasn't ready yet and felt he had more than enough time for all of these things to happen.

"Ma' I'm not ready for any of those things right now. I'm focused on making money and taking care of myself financially in all aspects having a girl on my arm at the moment is the least of my problems", Kovan said looking up at his mother.

"Yeah yeah, I just want to have a little grandbabies running around before it's too late. I'm 48 years old, I'm not getting any younger. I want to be able to hold my grandbabies and do things with them before I kick the bucket", Imani huffed while chewing her food rapidly.

"Mama we not tryna be tied down yet we too lit in these streets", Nasir said getting into the mini argument between his mom and brother.

These arguments occurred every time they had dinner it was nothing new.

"Boy shut your ass up you need to be focused on your books not these streets", Imani yelled pointing her finger at Nazir.

Kovan laughed while glancing at his brother, as he tried to hurry up and finish his food so he could head home. Imani and Nazir continued to go back forth, as his brothers annoying remarks and his mothers yelling filled the atmosphere only fueling him to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Alright Ma' I finished eating I'm about to head out and go back home I've got a long day of work ahead of me tomorrow", Kovan said as he got up to put his dishes in the sink and head on home.

Imani look towards her son as a sad feeling came over her. Her and Kovan never really spent a lot of time together being that he was always working and kind of distant in Imani's opinion. She wanted them to be closer because she's been having a bad feeling lately that his time would be cut short.

"Alright honey, I love you please call me when you arrive home", Imani said as she got up to hug her soon and kiss his cheek.

"Yes Ma' imma call love you and see you later Naz, imma text you in a few", Kovan said hugging his mom then walking to the door.

Kovan walked out going towards his car as this satisfied aura fell over him making the drive back to his home calm. 15 minutes later he pulled into his driveway locking his car and heading inside. His Golden retriever max greeted him at the door jumping on him glad he had returned.

"Hey boy, I missed ya", Kovan said on his knee as he petted Max.

He got up heading into the kitchen to grab his dog food and water and pour them into Max's food and water bowls. After he finished feeding him he headed upstairs to his room where he undressed and took a well needed hot shower. He got out feeling relaxed and sat on his bed to check his text messages. He sent a quick text to his mom letting her know he had arrived home, he also had a couple messages from Corey his best friend who was more like his brother saying they had to check up on inventory in the factories. He closed his phone saying he was just going to reply to Corey in the morning because right now all he wanted to do was hit his bed and go to sleep. Which he successfully did because five minutes later, he was knocked out cold in a deep slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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