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⋆  a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.  ⋆

Normally, what is a fairy tale stays a fairy tale. This is because it isn't true. But what if it was?

What if for a second, just a second, you believed those stories.

As children we are told numerous tales by our parents; the sock monster that only steals one sock, the tooth fairy and Santa Claus. Our child-like naivety believes these stories, we think that a big fat man dressed in red climbs down our chimney once a year to give us presents, as we age and mature we start to understand that these stories are just that... stories.

Or is it that we're forced to think that they're only fables. 

What if the monster under the bed that we would always checked for wasn't under our bed, but instead mingling among us. Walking our streets, living in houses. Looking just like you and I.

What then?

What happens when you can no longer tell who is human, and who is a monster?

We tell ourselves that the creaking on the stairs is just the pipes or the tapping on the window is the tree branches from outside, but our human nature tells us something isn't right, the short burst of adrenaline warns us that there is something to fear. Yet we ignore it. We let our minds rationalize the temporary panic so we can sleep at night.

That's what they want.

That's how they have survived this long.

There has been shimmers of them throughout history but the human race has always discarded it with scientific explanations.  

Porphyria was created to explain why their skin reacted to light; this only gave them a blanket to hide under, another way to aid their slow eradication of our species. They have evolved since then, sunlight no longer affects them making it only even easier for them to hunt us like prey.

That's what we are to them, prey. We ignore our basic human instincts that assist our survival while they thrive on theirs, making them the perfect hunter.

But what predator wouldn't catch their prey if they are unaware they even exist, because they have been conditioned to ignore all the warning signs that they are under attack.

They know that I've broken the hypnotic state they've put over our generation, they're coming for me.

I can hear them upstairs, they're heavy feet are pounding on the floorboards of my living room as I hide in my basement. I'm surprised they let me live for this long, I just wish I was more prepared. Maybe then I would stand a chance of survival. 

I've done all I can but I know they'll catch my scent sooner or later, like a shark to a wounded seal.

I just pray that it is quick. But as I have learned of their sadistic nature, they will probably carry me around like the portable blood sack they think I am. That's what happens when you know too much.

That's what happens when you realize that those fairy tales, weren't just fairy tales.

Blood Lust - Vampire!Markiplier x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now