~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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Third POV...

The whole guild stood near a 3 miles radius at the mystical castle of Mt.Hakobe. Rosalind looked through binoculars to find thousands of guards watching he gateway and the couple yard beyond the castles territory. Her eyes narrowed before handing the binoculars to one of her comrades.

"They have the whole place crowded with soldiers. We will have to ambush them." Rosalind explained.

"So how exactly are we going to do this?" Natsu asked with curiosity.

"It's sort of complicated, but I have a plan that will work." Rosalind replied. Looking at the group Rosalind's eyes landed on Gray, he stood near the rock edge and was looking down at the castle with his eyes watering up.

"That bastard took her back to this dreadful place." Gray hissed in utter disgust. Rosalind walked over to Gray and placed her hand softly onto his shoulder, tensing up Gray looked back at Rosalind with tears falling down his eyes.

"And I can't handle the feeling." Gray cried out. Rosalind stood next to him and gripped onto his shoulder with comfort, and giving him a stern look she replied with full confidence.

"No need to feel anymore pain, for we're going to get my daughter back."

The two then stood there side by side, silence over taking to two of them in a determined way as they stared at the dark castle that was slowly rotting away.

I'm coming (F/N), and this time Nazar and Raû will be gone forever....I promise, Gray thought.

Your POV....

Your (E/C) eyes were blood shot and dried up from the crying. The snow has stopped at the moment, so you looked onto onto your snow covered balcony. The memories of your life before began to sink into your mind.

"Mother....Father....I miss you." You whispered sadly to yourself. Slowly you felt your eyes begin to droop once more as you continued to look around your old bedroom. Your bookshelf still had the same books on them, your stuff animals that were perfectly placed in a toy chest, and a now broken picture frame that had a picture of you with your parents that laid on your desk.

You warily walked over to the picture frame, and licking up the frame you looked at your younger self ,and your parents Seeing their brightest smiles made you begin to cry once more. Your tears dripping within the crack of the picture frame as you sobbed quietly.

"I miss you." You cried softly. Then slowly you slumped onto the floor, and curling into a ball with the picture close to your chest you didn't care as you let out a scream of agony. Then slowly you felt darkness consuming, so giving in you closed your eyes.

And let your shattered dreams take place...

12 years ago......

You smiled brightly as your father took your hand and guided you through the meadow of daisies, your (H/L) (H/C) hair swaying against the wind as you giggled from joy. Your father smiled happily towards you before picking you up into his arms and looking at the surroundings near the castle. A lake that was near a valley glistened as the sun shone through the clouds.

"Pappa?" You said. Your father looked down at you and nodded.

"What is it my child?" Your father asked.

"How did you and mommy meet?" You asked out of curiosity. Your father began to smile brightly as he looked up at the sky.

"I remember the night of the party like it was yesterday. We were both eighteen at the time when my family hosted my birthday party, and when your mother walked into the room I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. Then I asked her for a dance, and everything else is history." Your father explained.

"I wonder if I will ever fall In love with someone, but I don't think I will." You stated. Your father riddled your hair and kissed your cheek.

"Don't worry about it, you will find someone who is the one I promise you. It may not be today or tomorrow, but when you'll find them I promise you will know when they are the one." Your father exclaimed. Your eyes widened as you nodded and replied softly.

"Okay papa!"

Then the two of you slowly returned to the castle, your mother reading a book on a bench in the gardens. When you ran to your mother and tackled her into a hug, she laughed out loud and kissed your cheek.

"Well if it isn't my beautiful little flower!" Your mother chirped. Your mother moves a couple pieces of your hair out of your face and kissed your forehead softly, but soon the vision started to go dark. The last thing you remembered was watching your dad point to the town called Magnolia.

"That's the Guild I love out of all of them, and one day I hope you get to be apart of it." Your father said, and as he smiled down at you the vision went completely dark.


Light blinded your eyes, but as your vision went clear you see the ocean waves crash by. You were siting next to Durward as the sun was beginning to set, and as the two of you continued to sit there in silence Durward then glanced at you for a moment before asking.

"So, are you and Gray a couple?"

"W-what the fuck?" You said embarrassed. Durward cackled a laugh that scared the birds away within the tree tops. However, as Durward calmed down he then started to smirk towards you.

"I think Gray does have something for you, but he just doesn't want to show it." Durward exclaimed.

"Yea, like anyone would be interested in me." You mumbled to yourself.

"Trust me princess, he is certainly interested in you." Durward replied. He stood up and began to stretch strangely, but looking up at him you couldn't help but ask.

"How can you tell?"

"Because if you care for someone so much sometimes you just don't want to be apart of their lives, and the only reason why I say this is because some people feel that if they become apart of the person they care for live, something bad would happen to them." Durward explained. After hearing that explanation your heart slightly fluttered, and thinking about Gray you couldn't help but blush.

"I-I-I-I don't know Durward." You could only stutter. Durward chuckled for a moment before tussling your (H/L) (H/C) hair, but soon you could remember hearing Gray yelling towards Durward and helping you up afterwards.

Just feeling the warmth from Gray's hand was the last you remeber of that memory, then everything went dark...

Flashback Ended....


Opening your (E/C) eyes slowly, you rolled onto your back and let out a sad sigh. It was dawn and the sun rays were beginning to peek through your bedroom, and when you slowly sat up you couldn't help but take in the view.

The mountains casted a soft glow as the sunrise rose above them, but snowflakes peacefully fluttered within the castle grounds, reflecting a peaceful atmosphere. However, looking to the ground you saw all the guards that stayed in place near the gates. Stretching a bit you crawled out of your bed and looked out for a few minutes, but it soon came to an end as you heard the door open.

"It's time to get ready (F/N)." Miss Melina called out, her voice cracking as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. You could only nod before replying.

"Okay, lets go."

Exiting the room you glanced at your childhood bedroom one more, and coming to conclusion this would be the last of you complete freedom you began to cry...

But soon softly closed the door....

Author's Note: well then....no comment I guess. Thanks for reading this chapter and hopefully you're excited for the next one!


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