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It was a rainy day and you were laying on the sofa rubbing your growing belly and watching TV. You were 9 months pregnant with yours and Grayson's first child and like his father he was late you were meant to be sure on the 17th of December and now it is the 23rd and still no baby. "Oh my god when are you going to come out already" you say talking to your stomach. You heard a car door slam. Then the door opened and in came grayson he walked over to you and kissed you and rubbed your stomach. "Hey little baby girl me and mommy can't wait to meet you." Grayson said while sitting down on the couch next to you. "Well we already know what he got from you." You said sarcastically. Grayson looked at you confused. "What do you mean?, he asked "being lat..." You were soon cut off by a sharp pain in your stomach. You hunched over in pain. "Y/N , baby what's wrong." Grayson asked looking at your worried. "I think its time the bag is in the closet." Grayson jumped to action grabbing the bag and helping you to the car and off you went go the hospital. When you got to the hospital you were put in a room. The nurse came in and took your vitals. "Hello Mrs. Dolan how are you doing today." The doctor said checking to see how far you were dilated. "Good I guess just ready to get this baby out of me." You said as a contraction hit. Grayson was in the hall way on the phone with his and your family telling them you had gone into labor. "Okay well it looks like you are dialated 8 cm. I will check back in a little while to see if you have progressed." The doctor said walking out of the room. Grayson soon came back in the room and sat in the chair beside your bed holding your hand.

**a hour later**
The doctor had come back in and prep you for delivery. "Okay Mrs. Dolan I'm going to need you to push on three 1..2..3." Said the doctor. You pushed with every once you had. You squeezed Grayson's had to the point wear you thought you were going to break it. " you can do it love just focus on me." Grayson said whincing at the pain you were bringing to his hand. "Okay one more push you can do it." Said the doctor "lord give me strength." You said pushing once more. You soon heard cries fill the room. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Dolan you had a beautiful baby boy." "A BOY" you and Grayson said in unison "just kidding its a girl just a little obgyn humor." The doctor laughed. You both laughed as he handed you your baby girl. "He looks like you and Ethan." You said looking up at Grayson. "Knock knock can we come in" said Grayson's mom and dad and sister and Ethan. "Yes come in" said garayson letting them in. "What's her name" said Cameron grabbing the baby from Grayson "Skyler lynn Dolan" you and Grayson said in unison. You were realesed from the hospital that night and we t home with your husband and new baby.

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