Chapter 14

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Sorry it has taken me so long to update. My internet has been down and I have been lacking in inspiration. The chapter is not as long as some of my others but here you go. I will post the next chapter in two weeks.

D-day had come. 

There was no putting it off now. 

Today was the day Kate was going to tell Captain Gates she was pregnant. 

Castle was standing by my side, squeezing my hand gently as we stood outside her door, waiting anxiously for her to call us in. 

“Come in.” Gates called no sooner than we had arrived at the door. Castle and I exchanged a look before he gave me an encouraging smile before he opened the door and held it open for me, gently placing his hand on the small of her back, holding her close to try and give her the strength she needed to talk to her boss. After all, Castle was somewhat responsible for this and had promised to be there for her through everything. 

“Ah, Detective Beckett. What can I do for you today?” Gates asked, setting her glasses down on her paperwork, interlacing her fingers and giving her undivided attention to her. Castle helped Beckett into her chair, holding her hand as she struggled to sit with her growing belly, Gates watching the interaction in slight confusion, before taking a seat himself. 

“I’m not sure whether or not you are already aware, but I’m…”

“Pregnant. I know.” 

“You know, sir?” Castle burst out. 

“Of course I knew. I’ve had kids myself, I know the symptoms.” Kate’s face drained of all colour, her hands shacking slightly, Castle quickly putting his over hers. “You don’t think I heard your interaction with the other detectives the other day? What I want to know is what took you so long to come to me?” 

“I was worried about what you would think. And I didn’t want to get put on desk duty.” 

“How far along are you?” Gates asked. 

“A little over sixteen weeks.” Kate replied.

“We’ll be able to find out the sex on our next doctor’s appointment.” Castle smiled. 

“Our?” Gates asked. Castle and Kate looked at each other nervously. Castle sat up in his chair and replied with conviction;

“She’s carrying my child.” Kate looked at him but he simply squeezed her hand and continued to look at Gates slightly shocked expression.

“Well it’s about damn time!” She said exasperatedly. “I thought you two would never get your act together.” 

“Excuse me?” Kate asked. 

“What? You think I didn’t know? I’m not blind. You two have been closer of late. You didn’t think I’d notice that?” 

“I… Ah…” Kate struggled to find her words. 

“Well I suppose you will need to be removed from any field work from now on.” Gates said, sitting back in her seat when Beckett sighed. “I will allow you to go to interviews if it is deemed safe, otherwise you will be in the office, which unfortunately means doing paperwork.” 

“I understand, sir.” Kate sighed.

“Um, sir…” Castle interrupted. Gates turned her attention back to the writer who had shifted his chair closer to his partner. “Will Kate be allowed rest breaks during the day?” 

“I can allow fifteen minutes every three hours. How does that sound?” 

“That would be perfect.” Castle smiled, gently running his hand down Beckett’s back. “And if the doctor tells us anything else, we will be sure to let you know.” Castle finished, helping the still slightly shocked Kate up out of her chair. 

“Please make sure you take care of yourself, Beckett.” Gates told her, Kate’s eyes snapping to her boss, seemingly coming out of her own little world. “I want my best detective in tip top shape and ready to work as soon as you finish maternity leave.” 

“I’ll look after her.” Castle smiled, wrapping a loving arm around his partner’s waist. Gates picked up her glasses and pen, pulling her paperwork back in front of her, not so subtly telling them to go. Castle quickly ushered Kate out of Gates’ office, opening the door for her.

“Oh, and Beckett!” She called, the couple turning back to face her. “Please refrain from using the supply closet for your own personal escapades. You’re not as secretive or as quiet as you may think.” Kate turned as white as a sheet while Castle tried to disguise a not so subtle laugh with a cough unsuccessfully, earning a swift and violent elbow to the ribs.

When the Captain’s door was securely closed behind them, Kate leant into Castle’s side and whispered;

“We need to find a new spot, or it will never be happening again.” Before walking off and plopping down on her chair, leaving a blushing Castle standing in the middle of the bullpen, shifting uncomfortably before rushing to the bathroom before he embarrassed himself. 

“Ugh, my feet are killing me!” Kate groaned as she kicked off her heals, spreading out on the couch. 

“You probably need to start switching to flats. You’re feet are gonna start swelling and it’s gonna hurt to be wearing your pumps.” Castle smiled sympathetically, walking around the back of the couch to come sit with her. “Even if they are super sexy.” He huskily whispered in her ear before cupping her cheek and placing a lingering kiss on her sweet lips. Kate smiled into the kiss and hummed contently before pulling away to lie back into her pillow, shifting her legs for him to sit down, only to drape them over his lap. 

“You know I’d be super grateful for a foot rub.” Kate smirked, wiggling her feet on his lap, making him chuckle. 

“Your wish is my command.” Sifting his position to the other end of the couch, taking hold of her feet before digging his thumbs deep into the taught muscles. Kate let out a long, uninhibited moan of pleasure, sinking deeper into the couch as he paid each foot equal attention. 

“You are so getting brownie points for this.” Kate groaned. “Tomorrow I’m gonna rock your world in the disabled bathroom.” She mumbled before nodding off, later half waking up to find herself cuddled against Rick’s warm, solid chest, before drifting back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2014 ⏰

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