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"mags, wake up!" dad says.

i flutter my eyes open and shut, attempting to adjust to the harsh sunlight. dad stands at the doorway, his hand on the knob, his other hand on the door frame.

"why? it's summer," i respond, cringing at my groggy, morning voice and propping myself up with my elbow.

"yes, it's also ten in the morning. we're meeting the normans in an hour. don't you wanna hear about our summer plans?" he asks.

i nod, yawning. he smiles and walks away, shutting my door, sending me a hint to get up. i swing my legs off of my bed, stretching out my arms and running a hand through my messy brown snarls. i stare at the wall for a brief moment, still trying to adjust my vision to the sunlight. i get up, stretching some more and walk to my wardrobe. i choose a pair of floral shorts and an off the shoulder denim shirt. i close the curtains and get dressed, then head into the bathroom. i wash my face, brush my teeth and french braid my hair. i do a little makeup and head out of the bathroom.

"finally, the queen is done," nate says. he leans against the railing, his arms crossed.

"what do you want?" i ask, my hand still on the doorknob to my bathroom.

"mom's using my bathroom so i have to use yours," he responds.

"poor mom," i sneer, still at the doorway.

he sneaks passed me and slams the door shut, pushing me along. i kick the door and head back into my room.

i unplug my phone, looking some notifications on my lock screen.


morning princess

we find out about hawaii today

excited? i am
wake up omg
are you really sleeping? i can't see clearly into your room
ok i'm gonna go eat pancakes

i smile and unlock my phone.


hmmm stalker much? plus it's summer and if i don't have to wake up at 7 i'm not gonna :))

i put on my sperry's and walk downstairs into the kitchen. i grab a banana and peel it.

dad walks in the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle.

"where are we going anyway?" i ask between bites.

"to their house. scott wants to cook us some good summer food," he says, taking a sip.

"good summer food?" i question, throwing away the peel.

"yup. you know scott, always vague," he says, smirking.

"well, alright. say, have you seen ky?" i ask. dad stops in his tracks .

"he and glory are out getting coffee. they took nate's car and they'll meet us at the house," he says.

"didn't know you were his spokesperson," i say.

he chuckles and walks out of the kitchen.

nate waltzes into the kitchen and heads straight to the pantry.

"y'know we're gonna be eating soon, right?" i ask, looking at my brother with one of his hands in the cheez it box and a pack of fruit snacks between his teeth. with his other hand, he yanks the package out of his mouth.

"the last time scott cooked us food, i was on the toilet for three days," he responds, his mouthful of food.

i smile and walk out of the pantry. he follows me out, ripping open the fruit snack bag.

"have you seen kyle at all?" he asks.

"he took your car. he's getting coffee with glory," i respond.

"that little shit," he says, looking around to make sure mom isn't around, "i thought they saw each other enough on the east coast that they'd be tired of each other. plus, exes aren't supposed to be friends, it's awkward," he says.

"yeah? what do you know about relationships?" i question, putting my right hand on my hip.

"i dated that one girl, lola hendricks in high school, remember?" he asks.

i roll my eyes. "you mean that one week fling with the most dissolute girl in the whole school? yeah nate, i remember," i respond, walking out of the kitchen.

mom comes down and scolds nate for "spoiling his appetite" which makes me smirk to myself. i go out to the porch to add to my instagram and snapchat story.

i take a boomerang that goes from myself to the sky. i draw a heart and write 'sunny days are happy days' for a caption. i look over at the norman's house and see jace walk out onto his porch. i open snapchat and make a video, zooming in on him. i add it to my story and run over to his house. he takes out his phone and makes his own instagram story of me running over to him. he types 'low budget teenage romance movie?' and adds it. i wrap my arms around his neck and he takes a picture and also adds it to his story.

"a little excited, are we?" he asks.

"what can i say? hawaii has been on my dream places of visiting since i heard my family went there before i was born. i still haven't gotten over it," i respond, unwrapping my arms from his neck.

he grabs my hands and smiles.

"well, i'll be sure to make it extra special."

he leans in and kisses my lips, but just then, the front door swings open.

"oops! sorry, kids!" scott yells, slightly over exaggerated in an attempt to embarrass his son.

we immediately pull away and look at each other, then look at scott. i smile and jace closes his eyes tight and opens them, sighing.

"you're good, dad," he says.

"well, maggie, since your here, might as well come in!" scott suggests.

"don't mind if i do,"  i respond.

i follow scott in and jace follows, guiding me with his hand on my back.

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