Six Months Later.....

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Kendall P.O.V

Life has good lately! Kylie and I have been spending more time together, McKayla moved back in with Carlos, Halston gave birth yesterday to a little boy named Tristan and Logan. Well he's just doing his own thing.... Kylie and I recently moved into a smaller house in Burbank. It was hard to leave theold one but it was for the best. In life tragic things happen, and in order to move past them you have to pick up the pieces and make the best with what is left. The past six months have been like a roller coaster, yet I'm still standing strong. I can't wrap my mind that Kacey has been gone for six months, it felt like just yesterday I got the call saying she got into an accident. I still have mental pictures from that day, that most likely will stay with me until the day I die.

I'm currently relaxing on the couch. Kylie's upstairs playing with her dolls, she can spend hours up there. 

Kylie:"Daddy!! Daddy!! Daddy!!"

Speaking of the little cutie.... I hear her little feet come running down the stairs. She comes running into the living room and jumps on me. I sit up and she sits on my lap.

Kendall:"Kylie!! Kylie!! Kylie!!"

Kylie:"When are we going to see the baby!?"

Kendall:"Later this afternoon, it's only twelve...."

Kylie:"Ugh.... That's too long!"

Kendall:"No it isn't."

Kylie:"Yes it is, I'm bored....."

Kendall:"Okay, then what do you want to do in the meantime?"

Kylie:"I don't know......."

Kendall:"How about I call Uncle Logie and see if Jessica wants to come over?" 

Her face lights up.



Kylie:"Call him daddy! Call him right now!!"

I chuckle. I pull out my phone and dial his number. 

Logan:"Sup, Kendork?"

Kendall:"Really, dude? I was wondering if Jessica wanted to come over before we go visit Halston."

Logan:"We were just about to go grab a bit to eat and then we were going to head over to the hospital.... You guys can join us if you want though."

Kendall:"Let me ask Kylie."

I put my phone on hold. 

Kendall:"Ky, they're about to grab lunch, do you want to join them?"

She stands up on the couch and jumps up and down. 

Kylie:"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Kendall:"Okay. Stop jumping on the couch before you get hurt and need stiches again."

She stops jumping and sits back down on my lap. I take my phone off hold. 

Kendall:"We're in, where do you want us to meet you?"

Logan:"Hugo's good?"

Kendall:"Of all people you're asking me if that's okay!? Dude, you know I love that place!"

He laughs.

Logan:"Alright then, I'll see you guys in a little bit."

Kendall:"Later, man."

I hang up and look down at Kylie.

Kendall:"Ready to go my little miss lady?"

Her head shoots up and her eyes widen.


I chuckle, she is such a cutie.

Kendall:"Alright lets go!"

I stand up but I am stopped by Kylie.

Kylie:"Wait!! Can I have a piggy back ride!?"

I turn around and bend down. 

Kendall:"Of course you can, hop on!"

She jumps on my back and we walk out to the car. I buckle her in and get in the driver's seat. I pull out of the driveway and head to Hugo's. 

Kylie:"Daddy can you put on the radio?"

Kendall:"Sure, what station?"

Kylie:"The one you always listen too..."

I put on KissFM and can't believe what they're playing .....

Counting stars, laying in the grass

Side by side, your head in my shoulder…

We talk a lot about nothing much,

With every breath we are getting closer

Parallel in this universe

Do we light up our hearts just to watch’em burn?

Parallel, I will cross the lines.

Cause maybe tonight…

I wrote this one years ago, I'm surprised they still even remember it!

Kylie:"Daddy, why does that guy sound a lot like you?"

Kendall:"Baby girl, that's because that is me singing. I wrote this song years ago about an ex I couldn't get over, I'm surprised they even remember about it..."

Kylie:"What's an ex?"

Kendall:"An ex is someone that you used to date but you don't anymore."

Kylie:"What was your ex's name?"


Kylie:"How long did you date her, daddy?"

Kendall:"Five months and then she cheated on me...."

Kylie:"What does cheated mean?"

Kendall:"It's when someone dates another person behind your back."

Kylie:"Why!? You're a sweet guy!"

I chuckle.

Kendall:"Thanks baby girl. I guess she loved someone else....."

Honestly I never forgot about Kayslee, and I don't think I ever will. She was the first girl I ever loved. When I found out that she was cheating on me, it broke my heart. I treated her like a queen and she just broke my heart into millions of pieces. After we broke up I wasn't able to move on for years. I thought there was no hope in finding love again, but then I met Kacey and I knew that she was the one. We got married and three years later we had Kylie. I'm so blessed my life turned out this way because I couldn't picture it any other way.

I often wonder what it would be like if I ever ran into her again...... 

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