Nikki's My Everything

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Nikki P.O.V

I am proud to say I am no longer a virgin!! I still can't believe I agreed to let Kendall proceed but I'm happy I did. Losing my virginity made me realize that I love Kendall so much and that I want to be with him the rest of my life. I know in my gut and in my heart that he's the one. Everytime I'm around him I get butterflies just like the first time I met him ten years ago. Even though I was twelve when I first met him, I always had a feeling that we would end up together some how. He's everything I've ever wanted in a guy and I'm so blessed to have him in my life!

I just got out of the shower and I'm drying myself off. I walk out to Kendall's dresser and pull out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I put them on and go back into the bathroom to but my hair into a messy bun. I shut the light off and go downstairs to the kitchen. As I walk in James, Logan, and Carlos clap and cheer.

James:"Nikki is finally a woman!!"

Logan:"Congrats on getting the D!!

Carlos:"We're so proud of you!!"

I roll my eyes and walk over to sit on Kendall's lap, he kisses my cheek. The guys sit back down and continue to decorate cupcakes with Kylie. I pick up a cupcake and start to frost it. After a few seconds Kendall takes some of the icing and puts it on my nose, he chuckles. 

Nikki:"Oh you think this is funny!?"


I pick up one of the cupcakes he just made and smash it in his face. Everyone bursts out laughing. 

Nikki:"Who's the laughing stock now!?"

Kendall:"Oh you're going to get it!!"

I get off his lap and start running, me chases after me with a container of icing and a bottle of sprinkles. I run downstairs and try to run into the bathroom but I'm too late, he catches me. He pins me down and begins painting my face in icing and sprinkles. 


Once he's finished he lays down next to me and we both burst out laughing. The guys and Kylie come storming downstairs. 

Logan:"What are you guys four!?!"

We just continue to laugh. After a couple of minutes Kendall helps me up and we take a selfie together. 

Kendall:"I'm so posting this!"

Nikki:"Really!? Our first couple photo is going to be this one!?"

Kendall:"Why not?"

I giggle, and he Instagrams it. I feel a tug on my leg and I look done to see Kylie, I pick her up. 

Kylie:"Nikki, why do you have icing all over you?"

Nikki:"I don't know, why don't you ask daddy that question!"

He puts his hands up in deffence.

Kendall:"She deserved it!"

Kylie rolls her eyes and we all laugh.

Kendall:"Go like my post!"

I take out my phone and go on Instagram. 

@kendallschmidt "Love of my Life!" As some of you might have heard the rumor about me dating a girl named Nikki, it's true. I love her with all my heart and I'm so lucky to have her because she's been the girl I've been looking for all along. Baby, you light up my world and bring a smile to my face every single day! I can't wait to propose to you one day, so we can officially start our life together. <3

Tears begin to stream down my face.

 Kylie:"Nikki, why are you crying?"

Nikki:"I'm just so happy to have found you guys."

Kendall walks over to me and kisses me passionately. He wipes away my newly falling tears. 

Nikki:"That was beautiful."

Kendall:"Nikki, I love you too death. Everything I wrote is true, I can't wait to have a family with you."

He pecks my lips and I hug him. 

Kendall P.O.V

Nikki is the love of my life. Even though I was married to Kacey and we had Kylie, I love her more. I've never felt this way before, everytime I'm with Nikki I get butterflies and love swirls. Where when I was with Kacey I only got that once in a while. Maybe it was fate to be with her from the start... Maybe this whole situation was meant to be.... 

The guys left about an hour ago and Nikki, Kylie and I are cuddled up on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast. Kylie is in love with this movie, she's had to seen it over five hundred times. Everytime she watches it, she has to put on her Belle costume. She loves singing and dancing to all the songs through out the movie, it's the cutest thing. 

 Kylie:"Shh!! Shh! This is my favorite part!!"

I chuckle.

Kendall:"Ky, no one was talking."


She stands up and begins to perform to Be Our Guest. 

Kylie:"Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test!" 

Nikki stands up and starts dancing with her. 

Nikki:"Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie and we'll provide the rest."

I stand up and join them, why not I know the song word for word.

Kendall:"Be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!"

When the song ends we all sit down and finish watching the movie. When it's over Nikki and I put Kylie to bed. Ten minutes later we come back downstairs and cuddle up on the couch. 

Kendall:"I really missed this while I was gone."

Nikki:"I did too, it was lonely without you around."

Kendall:"So I was thinking since we had sex earlier, I was wondering if you'd like to move into my room?"

Nikki:"I'd like that, no offense to your downstairs but it's scary being down there alone."

I chuckle.

Nikki:"I'm serious, why do you think I crawl into your bed every once in a while."

Kendall:"I thought it was because you loved me."

I pretend to pout. She giggles and pecks my lips. 

Nikki:"I love you too pieces, never forget that."

I smile and hold her tight. She's my everything, I'm so happy I found her.

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