Chapter 2.

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When Dante woke up, he noticed that Nero was no longer sleeping on his chest. He sat up and looked for the baby but couldn't see him anywhere in the room.
"Nero," Dante called out. When he didn't hear anything, no shouting, no running, not even crying he got scared and hoped he wasn't having another nightmare. He jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom because it was the closest room. He checked the cabinet under the sink, behind the towels hanging from the towel rack, and he even checked in the tub. He then sprinted into the kitchen and looked through all the cupboards close to the ground and under the sink. Nothing. The only place left to look is the nursery.

Dante sprinted in, glancing over the room first, not seeing him. Dante then got angry and shouted, "Nero, if this is some sort of prank or game then stop it and come out right now or else I'll bruise your little butt!" When he didn't hear anything, he got angrier. He went to the closet and searched through there first. Suddenly he heard tiny footsteps come into the room. He looked and saw Nero walking up to him. The baby cambion looked up at him with sleepy eyes and yawned a big yawn. He fisted his eyes and said, "What's going on, why are you shouting.?" Dante picked up his nephew and held close and tightly.
"Where the hell were you? You scared the hell out of me!" Dante exclaimed. Nero yawned and said "I fell off the bed and couldn't get back on, so I laid *YAWN* on the floor and fell back asleep. When I woke up to you shouting I was under your bed." Dante sighed in relief and said, "You should have woken me up and I would have gotten you back in bed."
"I didn't want to wake you up 'cause you looked like you really needed the sleep, plus you were snoring so loud I didn't think you'd be able to hear me," Nero said and yawned again.

Dante grabbed a tiny chair and put it in the corner, saying "I don't care, you should have tried to wake me up. You scared the hell out of me. Now you're in timeout." Dante set his nephew in the tiny chair and went to walk away. Nero turned around and said, "I'm sorry." tears welled up in his eyes and he reached out for his uncle. Dante just shook his head and started walking away. This actually hurt him. He thought something bad had happened to his nephew and when he found out he was okay he wanted to hold him for a long time, he didn't really want to put Nero in timeout. And when Nero reached out for him with tears threatening to spill he wanted to hold him more. "Damn it, this isn't like me. What the hell is going..." Dante was muttering to himself but stopped when Nero started crying.

Dante felt a twinge in his heart listening to his baby nephew cry, and after what happened he wanted to scoop him up in his arms. He tried to resist and kept walking away but when he heard a sob escape his nephew, he immediately turned around and in one quick stride he was standing behind the tiny chair and had Nero in his arms.
"I-I'm s-sorry!" Nero cried. Dante rubbed his back and said: "Shh, I know, it's okay, it's okay." Dante isn't acting himself but neither is Nero. He's so tired he can't act like his normal self. Dante grabbed a pacifier and stuck it in Nero's mouth, the baby cambion instantly suckling on it. Dante set the baby in his cradle and grabbed his cellphone from his pocket. He dialed his favorite pizza place and ordered his usual.

He put his phone away and picked Nero up, grinning and saying "Does baby need to be changed?" Nero, suddenly wide awake, spit the pacifier out so it hit Dante in the face. Dante glared and said, "Remember what I said earlier?"
"I didn't do shit," Nero said angrily. Dante grinned and said, "Oh, so spitting your pacifier in my face isn't being bad?"
"You deserved it." Nero said angrily, Dante's grin turned into an evil smirk as he said "Maybe, but I definitely know a baby who deserves an enema." Nero shivered at just hearing that dreaded word. "Don't you dare!" Nero shouted, starting to shake with fear. Dante laughed and said, "If you can behave then I'll change what I said and you won't get one."
"But I'm not doing anything!" Nero shouted, Dante winced, the shout being louder than any of his others. Annoyed by his hurting ears, Dante shouted: "Behave!" Nero winced, Dante's shout was louder than his, plus the baby cambion's ears are very sensitive so it hurt his ears more than his shout hurt Dante's.

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