Fun Things to do on a City Bus

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Fun Things to do on a City Bus

1. Randomly start talking to the person next to you and tell them how shitty your day was.

2. Go up to someone with a plastic bag and say "I see you've got the 'stuff'"

3. Bring the money to pay in pennies, count slowly as you put it in the machine.

4. Try and open the windows.

5. Ask the bus driver if you can take a detour.

6. If you're on a talking bus, you know the ones that say "next stop is blah, blah, blah..." say aloud: "NO! NOT THE VOICES AGAIN!"

7. Start singing "The wheels on the bus go round and round" really loud. As soon as the bus stops stop singing, when it starts up again, start singing again, and so on.

8. Don't sit on a seat; sit in the middle of the lane.

9. Randomly get up and change seats every ten seconds.

10. When someone gets on the bus, escort them to their seat.

11. Go on the bus with a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads and if looked at weird say: "Just to be safe."

12. Fall asleep on the person beside you.

13. Go to the very back seats and exclaim: "Gross! What do people do back here?!"

14. Sing off-tune to songs very loudly and in people's faces.

15. Pretend to talk to someone on your cell phone and say "Oh My God!" every five seconds.

16. Ask where the bus is headed.

17. Bring a random object (ex; a spatula) on the bus and see what kind of reactions you get.

18. Wear a MASSIVE snow suit and sit between two people.

19. Say "Weeee!" every time the bus moves.

20. Walk up to people standing at the bus stop and tell them: "You know... you shouldn't get in a vehicle with strangers".

21. Get a friend to call you and set your ringtone to a REALLY annoying song (It's even better if it just repeats the same chorus over and over) then pretend you don't hear it.

Fun things-- MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, beeyotch :PWhere stories live. Discover now