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the next time we met
was at a train station
and i forgot
giving you the papers
but you said
"no, they're for you"
and you were smiling
and i was smiling too
and we were eating
at mc donald's
but again
it was perfect
just because you were there.
and then we kissed
and said goodbye
to each other
and i just didn't know
that i would never see you
and i wanted to spend
all my life with you
and i loved you so much
and when you left
you said

"min yoongi, i love you.
don't forget that."

and i said

"i love you too."

but you didn't hear me
because you
left already and it
was the last time
you left and
the last time
we met and the last time
we kissed and
the last time
i would ever see
you again because
i didn't know
you were about to
kill yourself
and i couldn't
change anything
about that
because i couldn't
see the pain because
you were shining so
bright and i
didn't realize how broken
you were but when i
came home i
saw the papers and i
read what was written
on them and i
couldn't move and
couldn't speak and
i couldn't even cry
or scream it was
it was just like
the night has come.
an endless night.
with no sun and i was just
forever now
with the sun
if i ever saw the sun
in my dreams.

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