iii. camelopardalis

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"YOU'RE BACK" cried the cheery voice of Mike Newton, his puppy dog eyes brightening as I stepped into a hug.

"I miss you guys" I called out, the rest of the group turned toward me from within a huddle behind Mike. Angela hugged me second, the sweet smell of honey invaded my nostrils. I had missed her most, Eric waved frantically at me as Jessica grabbed my hand and pulled me into the "empty" seat beside her, actually pushing Mike's backpack away, signalling that he was not going to be sitting with her.
Mr Molina called for us all to sit, "sit down! Sit down! I don't care where just sit!" He beamed happily at this tutor group, I watched Mike slump into the chair in front, sharing a desk with Eric and Angela. Lord knew why he was complaining.
Mr Molina was also damp from the rain, but seemed content to be so. He gave out the timetables for the year, he handed each personalised one out from the back. Only as I watched him did I realise that two other Cullen's also graced our classroom. Alice sat with her fragile body angled toward her blonde sister, who's eyes quickly met my curious ones. Alice was whispering something to Rosalie, the blond, as her stare continue to linger on me despite me immediately breaking eye contact and turning around. Unfortunately upon turning around to find all four of my companions staring back. Jessica and Angela were next to drop their gaze, the boys however continued.
"Can you believe it's the first day of term and the Cullen's are already acting like freaks." Mike breathed out with a jokeable sigh. Eric sniggered, Angela rolled her eyes and Jessica turned to glare the beautiful blonde girl and her smaller, fairy like sister.
Before I could stop myself I heard myself say, "maybe she always looks at you like that because she always catches you staring at her, with drool coming out of your mouth." My sleeve pulled over my hand to wipe the saliva from his chin. I shot sympathetic look his way as I realised my harsh tone, and heard a badly concealed laugh from the back of the room.

Eventually Mr Molina reached the front of the classroom, where I sat with my band of giggling friends. He handed me my timetable last, red pen already scribbled all over it with his almost unreadable hand writing.
"I hope you had a good summer Levi, I'll see you in biology." He spoke with easy as my eyes assessed the paper. 

he had moved my lessons so I be specifically in his AP biology class

I smiled sweetly when I looked up at him, silently thanking him for such a gesture, I thanked him again - only verbally this time- and left for my first lesson.

I hated biology, I was full of ravenous despite for the subject. It never made sense to me, at all, I used to cry every lesson in my younger years, I failed every test and piece of homework until Mr Molina tutored me. He understood exactly how to get me to learn, and he understood my frustration when I couldn't get it right especially since I excelled chemistry and physics.
He was by far my favourite teacher. 

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