vii. leo minor

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I walked at the back of the group once we arrived at the green house, I could barely hear anything Mr Molina was saying about compost, but I did see Tyler and Mike running around with a mug of steaming liquid. They tried it, their faces gleaming with disgust. 

That's obviously tea for the plants, I chuckled to myself. Idiots.

Someone tugged at my arm, "Hey" he smiled down at me, his hand still lingering on the sleeve of my arm. 

Oh my god, my body filled with surprise, I felt like I had just won the lottery. "Jasper! I was wondered what had happened to you, I was thinking I might have to send out a search party if I didn't hear where you'd disappeared to!" I beamed a smile at him, with genuine happiness that he was around.

"Oh I'm sorry Levi," oh my he said my name, "I hadn't really been feeling myself so I took a few sick days."
"Oh whoa no it's okay, no biggie, I don't think you missed anything in biology."
"You don't think huh?"
"nah, I haven't really been listening much lately" I blushed, why did I say that...
"So you not a fan of biology then?"
"I prefer chemistry honestly."
"damn, chemistry isn't easy."

I just smiled as a response, feeling awkward at not knowing what to say. Butterflies floating in my tummy as we only gazed at each other.

He was seemingly cheerful, his eyes were brighter, a topaz colour that was absolutely gorgeous. Like a honey, so precious it was the kind that the Queen Bee would collect for herself. 

I wondered if where their darkness had gone, I could have sworn his eyes were back. There had practically been no difference in the shades between his iris and his pupil. I wanted to ask him, but the words felt stupid on my tongue. What did it matter if he got contacts, that's the only explanation anyway. It's not like you can change your eye colour any other way.

I kept staring at him, noting that this was probably our first conversation. A conversation that consisted of more than asking for a pen, to close the window, or something of that arrangement. I found myself wondering if his eyes were naturally dark or topaz, those two colours were practically polar opposites, so it felt strange that someone would pay for contacts to look completely different. I only really wondered because this new bright honey colour suited him so well. 

If I hadn't recently adopted the fashion of staring at him every chance I get I wouldn't have noticed that something was different

I decided he was stunning either way.

"So, um, how are you?" He questioned, a smirk still on his lips. He had caught me staring again.

"Oh I'm alright thank you, how are you?" 
"Only alright?" he pondered, looking at me with curiosity. 

My eyes shot to the loud giggles that belong to Jessica, who was meters away. Her laugh was so loud it surprised me. I realized then that all four of my friend were together, holding their partners hands. It made my heart dipped a little.

"Well, ya know, it's always fun to fifth wheel."  I said sarcastically, he nodded quickly in agreement.

"Well. Allow me to do the gentlemanly thing." His arm raised, indicating that he wanted me to link my arm with his. "Let me accompany you around the compost heap" He said in a jokingly posh way. I let a laugh escape my lips, my cheeks starting to ache from all my smiling. I slid my arm into his, and let him guide me around the greenhouse.

I spent the majority of the day wrapped around him, making small talk. He was so polite I hardly realized I was telling him almost everything about myself. By the end of the day he knew more about me than most of my friends.

As we queued up for the school bus home, I felt my eyes like needles in my back. Someone was staring at me. My head peered over Jasper's shoulder, to spy on whoever was looking at us - my grip on his arm tightening.

I peered over to see that actually most people were staring at us, including Jessica, Mike, Eric and Angela, who offered me a confused but supportive smile. I shook off my concerns, who cares what they think.

My head returned to face forward again, waiting for the hoards of teenagers to get on the bus so we could get out of the rain. Suddenly, Edward and Alice were standing in front of us. 

The petite black haired girl was happy, she hugged Jasper quickly, my grip on his arm fell to non-existent to allow them to hug properly. Then she hugged me, which I thought was surprising, but she was so friendly it didn't matter.
"Hi Levi!" She cheered at she squeezed me, " Are you riding with us?"
Her face was so full of joy at the idea I could hardly say no, although when my brown eye found Edward's slum face I wanted to refuse the kind offer. He did not seem happy at all. 

"Oh, I...Um...." I began, quickly interrupted by Edward.   

"Our bus is full." He said sternly,  his fist slamming onto the bus door, telling the driver to let him on.

Jasper's hand took mine, realizing that I had completely let go of his arm for the first time today. My fingers intertwined with his and found themselves in his hoodie pocket. Not that I was complaining.
Alice hurried on after Edward, a frown interrupting her previously happy face. She shit us both an apologetic look again, via the bus window.
"Don't worry, we'll just get on the other one." Jasper decided.  

We sat quietly together at the back of the bus, I felt eyes watching us as we walked to the back to take our seats. My legs were tired from a long day of walking around, so I curled up on the seat next to him.

We made small talk, when I asked him about his family became quieter, he just said that his parents were fostering him and Rosalie, whilst the others were adopted. I got that he didn't really want to talk about it, so we spent the rest of the journey in silence. I kept looking up at him with my sleepy eyes to be sure I hadn't offended him, but they eyelids were starting to win me over and I found it harder and harder to stay awake or concentrate. 

Jasper walked me to my car, the car park was mostly empty, my car was little among a few others and his motorbike. 

"Levi can I ask you a question?" nervousness was present in his voice, Jasper was looking down at his feet and not into my eyes as usual, which made me curious.

"Go ahead" I smiled, although he didn't see. My heart rate increased with the anticipation of what he was going to say.

"Do you think it would be alright if we went on a date sometime?"

I was completely flustered, my face flashed bright red and eyes lit up immediately.
I can't believe this is happening.
Oh my goodness play it cool.

"Yeah, Jasper. I think it would be alright."

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