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We shall see how this chapter goes ahyahya, good wishes🙏🏼👇🏻

  When I arrive home, I don't hear the normal screeching I probably would if the four family members were here. "Hello?!" I yell throughout the small living area. No reply. Guess no ones home.
   I toss my school bag onto the small couch and collapse next to it. Well, today kinda sucked like always, but not as bad as usual for some reason.
‟ριиg‟ my phone goes off. A text. I have like no contacts besides my mom, Adrian, Pj and... that's about it. It's not my mom or Adrian or Pj. Where are they? And who is texting me? The text reads
🔹 -աɑղղɑ ϲօʍҽ օѵҽɾ??😉-
Excuse me? Is that some kind of sex offer? What? (the dashes show when it's a text (-))

🔸-Who is this- I reply. What the crap is going on? Is Adrian pranking me again?

🔹-Who's the only friend you have?

🔸-what's that supposed to mean

🔹-it's phil

🔸-hey rood
🔸-I have friends- I text twice to make my point. Who does this kid think he is, texting me just to say I have no friends? Seriously?

🔹-are they invisible? I used to have some of those too, I won't judge

🔸-shut up

🔹-they fake and you know it

🔸-so did you just text me to make fun of me or what? Cuz if you wanna go there I've got a few things to say too- This is actually amusing me. Yet insulting?

🔹-it was a joke and I just wanted to see if you wanted to come over, like I said when I first texted you?

🔸-why? What are your intentions 🤔😐

🔹-the science project what else


🔹-so that's a yes my address is 14 cedar drive
(that was random, if you live there sorrz tehe)

🔸-um ok? When should I come over

🔹-like right now I'm bored


I click the sleep button on my phone and stuff it into my pocket and standing. I sling my bag over my shoulder and quickly grab a spare pair of clothes from the laundry room, just in case. Once again I head for the door.

Wait no ones home yet... I'll leave a note... or just text my mom. -going to a friends house, call me if you need anything while I'm out-
I rush out the door and down the street. I actually know where cedar drive is. Not that I get out much.

  It takes me probably half an hour to get to where I think is Phil's street or "drive."
(From mom) -have fun, not too much fun-

-I won't 😂😉-

-was at the store looking for dinner sorry hun.. and there was a bad accident down the street so Adrian and Ryan might be late getting home cuz of traffic.. I'll pick up Anna from daycare on my way home. Be home before 9, unless you gonna sleep there <3-

-k thanks-

That's when I pass the accident. Flashing sirens of police cars and ambulance surround a totaled white Pontiac and a slightly damaged yellow Hummer.
   A head on collision. Jeez. I completely stop in my tracks when I see the Pontiac's shattered windshield and blood on it's dashboard. A couple people are being carried away on stretchers, others bawling their eyes out as their loved ones are taken away.

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