the REAL intro

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(Little kids in soccer)

Really did two idoits just run into each other wow soo stupid. OWWW How did my hair get caught in the net owww owww owwww! Yep that's how I Kait and CC met in soccer. I guess it was good to have them as friends. 

(2 or 3 grade)

Why is everyone talking about a new girl oh well ill meet her sometime I thought as we walked out to recess. So wh- Wait a second why were people in OUR spot!!! It looks like those girls Kearstyn, Taylor, and i don't know the other one she must be new.... Well new or not that is OUR spot.

"Lets just go over here" Said CC.

"Oh no I'm getting our spot back" i say as i walk over to the girls. 

So we have a new story!! 



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