Chapter 8 Kearstyn POV

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Well to be honest, that wasn't quite the way i had expected Wonton's welcoming to go. i though at least 1 person would like him, not just me. Oh well. If that's what they want to believe, then so be it. "And they're just crazy anyways, huh Wonton?" He gave me a wierd look and kept trotting along beside me. When we  had gotten back to my room, Wonton hopped on his bed (my sofa) and started sleeping. I was wiped out to, so i figured that sleep was the best idea. My dream had to have been the wierdest thing about that night.


My dream started of with me and some of the group in the main hall of our mansion. Only it was empty. There was a big crash followed by the ear-piercing screece. " Don't worry everyone," said Kait," i got this." She started to walk away when Cece shouted "YES SHE"S GONE!" and started to dance. We gave her some wierd looks, then tried ti figure out what was going on. Then all of the sudden, the scream face pops out with a very sharp knife and trys to kill us. I flipped him off and started running.

i really shouldnt have flipped him off.

As if the others were magically invisible, he started chasing me around with his blood stained knife. Just before he caught up to me, i woke up to find Wonton sitting right beside me, head titled in concern. " I'm alright," i told him,"It was just a bad dream. Let's both go back to sleep, ok boy?" He laid his head back down and started to snore softly. I wished that i could have done the same. Since i couldn't sleep, i just pulled out my phone and stared watching things on youtube until i evntually drifted of to sleep.

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