3. Unveiling Reality

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We loved each other.

So much.

She was the only remedy to my pain.

I had lost a lot,

But when I lost her, that's when I realized I had lost everything.

(y/n)'s POV

I stand above them and look down at Kakashi with a smirk. God I feel like crying right now.

Kakashi is in utter shock. Those two ninja, maybe they're chuunin? They kept asking him about who I was.

I stand there waiting, if he's even gonna respond.

"Haha... It's.. The love of my life... What is even happening here."

He still considers me that. He still loves me? After all these years, you still haven't forgotten about me?

Kakashi's POV

"(y/n)... Is that really you?"

She jumped down in order for me to see her, but not that close.

"I can't understand, you're really alive? (y/n)?!"

"So the whole village thought I was dead huh... Was it that mission?" she replied

"Yeah... The Hokage sent you on an S-rank mission and you never returned after that... After a few days you were declared dead but... I never thought..."

Actually I'm glad. I thought about her many times, whether she was really dead or not. She's strong, I know that. And when the Hokage said she died, my whole world crashed and I really regretted not going with her on that mission. I told her that too, but she didn't want me to come...

"Huh, what's that-ttebayo? So she's not an enemy?" Naruto confusedly asked

"She threw kunai knives at us! And paper bombs, Naruto!" Sakura argued

"Cut that out guys. It doesn't matter, I'll take her on." I calmly said.

"You'll fight me, Kakashi? Didn't expect that, but good choice." (y/n) said.

She immediately charged at me with her sword without hesitation, I managed to block it with a kunai knife, but she was too strong

I had a little cut on my arm due to it. I was confused. Was she holding back?
My whole arm should've been chopped off, but she immediately took her sword away instead.

As our fight went on, no one was really having the upper hand. It was just as if we were sparring equally.

"save me..."

My kunai went flying in the air. But she still charged onto me. I was slightly distracted, and I swear I heard her whisper something.

It can't be my imagination. Is it?

I pulled out another kunai,

"(y-y/n)..." we were still clashing into each other.

I looked into her eyes. To my surprise, my eyes also met hers, staring deeply into mine.

"K-Kakashi... Plea..se.. I don't want to.. Fight you..." she softly mumbled while we were holding our weapon which were clashed onto the other's. Only enough for me to hear.

We've already been fighting for a while now, nothings really happened. It's as if we really don't want to fight each other, but were forced to. I, too, am not at my best, and not performing well.

I know this is not part of my mission. And there is no proof whatsoever that she really is (y/n), but I just have the need to do this.

I haven't seen her face in years, but I know what's real from not. She's my other half, so I can feel it. I can feel that this is the right thing to do.

I quickly lifted my headband and activated the Sharingan, and fastened my pace in order to gain the upper hand.

I can see her movements... It's as if it's not hers...

With my kunai, I put all my force into it and with one swing I caused her to drop her sword, though I slightly cut her hand.

"(y/n)! I'm so sorry, are you okay?" we already stopped fighting and I tend to her.

"who the hell asks if their enemy is okay, Kakashi?" she says

"Yeah, yeah, that's right Sensei!" Naruto butts in

"Geez, what were you even doing? From our view, it was like you guys were just practicing or playing swords and knives." Sakura says

Before (y/n) could even say a thing, I hugged her real tight. She looked like she was about to attack me again.

"K-Kakashi..." a tear fell down her eye

I looked at her beautiful (e/c) orbs. I wiped the tear away and inched closer.

I kissed her deeply. Surprisingly, she kissed back. It was short but passionate and full of love.

"I- Kakashi... I'm so sorry.... I just couldn't.."

"I know, I know. Me too." I shush her and try to calm her down.

"I missed you so much (y/n)...Could you please tell me what's going on now?"

"Okay... It was him... Someone... Put a jutsu on me. I'm so sorry Kakashi, I didn't have enough power to overcome his jutsu. He was controlling me and using my power."

My eyes narrowed in anger. It's true, her power is very unique, she was very strong and she was born with it. She has a certain skill that enhances all elements, she can use all four of them. For example, the water element she turns into ice element. The fire element she turns into lava element.

Ever since we were young, she was an exceptional shinobi. People knew she was going to be a valuable asset to Konoha, and many tried to get her power. Even Orochimaru. He wanted to experiment on her and her power, but she didn't let him.

"Who the hell was controlling you?!"

"...Sasori.... From the Akatsuki.. He's a puppet master" she said.

(y/n)'s POV

"He placed a jutsu on me... I'm not sure if it's broken yet."

That bastard did place this jutsu on me. Normally, he would have just killed me to make me into his own human puppet, but that wouldn't work on me. Since he could only use the jutsus the human puppet had when they lived. Then he wouldn't be able to obtain my power, since it isn't a jutsu, because I was born with it. It was actually our clan's kekkei genkai, but I was the only one left of them.

So with this jutsu, Sasori was able to control me when in battle. For years, he used me, and yes, I killed a lot of people against my will.

I have struggled against this jutsu many times, but it was no use. The first time had to be the most effective, when I was so mad and just broke down with my emotions. His control was restrained a bit.

I guess the same happened today, when I saw Kakashi. Especially when he kissed me, I was already able to control myself a bit.

"(y/n)? Hey are you feeling okay?" Kakashi asks

I nodded. "hm. Just thinking of a few things."

"So, he placed a jutsu on you in order to use your power and control you."

"Yeah. I know it's too much, Kakashi. He's too strong even for me, we need to kill him to break the jutsu."

"I know. Come on (y/n), you know I would do anything for you. Do you know how many years I yearned for you?" he gave me a closed eyed smile

"hm... I really do love you, Kakashi." I said as I smile back at him

C h a p t e r E n d

Daaaamn this was long, I'm so glad I was already able to finish it hahahha. I had a lot going on. Sooooo anyhoo. Eerything is already revealed now. I hope you guys enjoy! ~

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