Chapter Two

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"Goodnight dad." I interrupt his little speech and close my bedroom door.

"Don't forget what I said Piper!" How could I forget? He just kept going on and on about that Harry guy and how him and his friends are the towns delinquents. He seemed so nice and properly mannered though. How could he be a delinquent? Actually I can kind of see that with his piercings and tattoos, but who am I to judge? When people see me they probably think I'm a rich stuck-up bitch and don't want anything to do with me, when in reality I'm an awkward 17 year old who stays at home on Twitter. I mean other than at school where I'm expected to be a bitch, I'm not. Even then I hate it, but I'm too far in now.

I change into my favourite blue pyjamas with little penguins all over them and crawl into bed. I grab my phone and see I, again, have many messages. I look to see who sent them and it's mainly Veronica, but one grabs my attention. It's from an Unknown number.


'Hey it's Harry. The guy from the ice cream shop that your dad didn't seem to like ;p'

I smile and add him as a contact 'Harry ;p'.

'Hey :) My dad didn't mind that's a complete lie sorry xD' I sent it and seconds later I have a new message.

From Harry ;p:

'Oh well. He's going to have to get used to me ;)' I reply just as quickly as he did.

'What's that suppose to mean? :p'

From Harry ;p:

'You're cute haha get some sleep.' Well ok.

I don't answer him, instead I turn off my phone and do as he says; sleep.

The next morning I wake up with my face stuffed in a pillow and my hair everywhere. My legs are sprawled out and the blanket is twisted around my waist pinning me in. How in the hell did I manage this? I try to yank at it but I don't have the energy. I stuff my face back in the pillow and groan. Maybe another hour or two and I'll get up... Yeah sounds good...

Banging at my door rings throughout my room followed by a deep voice, "Piper get up! It's 2 in the afternoon!"

"Shit." I jolt out of bed and end up on the floor with my torso and face on the floor and my legs trapped in the blanket on the bed. "Ow. Motherfucker." I mumble untwisting myself.

"Are you- what the hell happened?" My dad bursts out laughing at my state and I roll my eyes at him.

"It'd be appreciated if you helped, but if you're not going to and just stand there laughing, leave." I point dramatically to the door indicating I'm not playing around.

"Ok bye Pipe!" He leaves my room laughing the whole time. Once I get out of this he is so getting hit.

I move my body in awkward ways to pull the blanket off me and eventually I'm free. I grab a pair of white jeans and a black crop top, along with some fresh underwear, and make my way to the bathroom.

I have a quick shower and get dressed. I decide to pull my hair into a pony tail since I'm not doing anything special today and put on eyeliner and mascara. Good enough.

I enter the kitchen and find a note from my dad.

'Just went to the grocery store.

Ran out of cereal and milk.

Be back in a jiffy.

Love you,


I decide to check my phone while I wait. First I have to find the damn thing. I walk back into my room and see it lying on my nightstand. I turn it on and wait patiently for it to load everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2014 ⏰

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