Chapter One

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Sitting on the floor of the studio at 7:30am, trying to think of a routine to teach a beginner who needed to become a professional was not how I wanted to spend my monday morning. I sigh as I lean forward and grab a hold of my toes, stretching out my muscles. 

Pushing my brunette hair out of my face, I stand up and walk over to the small stereo in the centre of the wall. I flick through my playlists and soon decide on something to calm me down. The music fills the studio and I smile, taking my place in the centre of the light room. 

'Say something, I'm giving up on you.

I'll be the one, if you want me too

Anywhere I would've followed you

Say something I'm giving up on you.'

The familliar rythems flows into my mind as I let everything else disappear, focusing solely on the music and my steps. I dance around the studio, allowing the music to pull out the moves from my body as I focus on my technique. I knew many did not like my technique, it was everything the dance schools didn't want. It was raw

The music soon ends and I'm stood looking at the reflection in front of me. I was not the normal picture of a contemporary dancer. I was not skinny but curvey. I was not timid and dependable on a male lead but rather defensive in my isolation and  individuality. 

I sigh and lean down, stretching my legs. I stand back up and notice the two men stood in the doorway. I turn and walk over towards them. It was almost comical at how different the two men were. Cleary this was the actor and his agent. 

The agent, who had introduced himself as Thompson was a short man, with fair hair which was thinning. He wore a shirt and tie as well as suit trousers, He looked stressed and clearly wasn't a morning person, due to the bags under his eyes.

The other however was his opposite. With a mop of curly, dark dark hair and an oddly angular face, this man was not the normal Hollywood actor who had his file thrust at me wanting to learn how to dance. Yet, the tall, slim man had something about him that would definately make a girl look twice. Maybe it was his eyes which seemed to hold a slightly twinkle of mischief or his lips that were curved into a slight smile at the corners.

I quickly moved my gaze from the man and to his agent. The poor man, looked like he wanted to crawl back into his bed and sleep for a few more hours.

"I'll keep this short, you need to be here three times a week, all day. Practice starts at 8 and ends whenever I see fit." I exchange glances from Thompson to the actor who had yet to be introduced. 

Thompson nodded and looked to the tall man on his left. "Benedict, this is Cassie. Best dancer we could get." 

I frown at the compliment, not one to normally expect things like that. I cross my arms over my chest but am forced to undo them again, as a hand holds out for mine. "Pleasure." The man greeted me, his voice thick with an accent. I shake his hand slightly and look back to the agent. 

"Well, now the nessecities are out the way we should get started." I say firmly, feeling the need to begin and assess the skills of the actor.

"Very well, I'll be off then." The small man said, quickly pulling out his phone. I turn and walk away from the pair and into the studio. I catch the agent talking to the actor in the mirror before turning and walking out.

This was going to be a long day.

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